
July 11, 2012

What I sent to Amy and Giveaways

  Do you remember my cell-like bead soup teaser?

  Well, it arrived to Amy Severino safe and sound, in exactly a week over the ocean. She wrote such a pleasant post about my soup that made my face blushing ... - you can read it here. I'm really not sure I deserve all her compliments ...
  Anyway, I made by myself all the polymer clay "soup ingredients" and I enjoyed very much making them in my favourites colours (that happens to be also Amy's :-)). This cracling technique is very fun to play with, although I needed several attempts with the heat gun to achieve the desired effect. And here's the soup in the original version:

 It was already dark when I've finished the soup and taken this picture, so I'm borrowing from Amy's blog the close-up pictures of my polymer clay beads.

  I think I will make more of this cracled focals and beads, I like them very much and I'm also having fun discovering different possibilities. I can't wait to see what will Amy create with these beads!!!! Our reveal date is August, 11.

  It is also time for different GIVEAWAYS:

** Lori Anderson, our Bead Soup Blog Party hostess is having a big five-part giveaway, where you can win:
 #1 = bits and bobs from Bead and Button,
 #2 = free Bead Soup Book, written by her and soon to be published,
 #3 = Lori's ebook on blogging inspirations,
 #4 = an "I'm a Bead Souper" tote bag or
 #5 = a Mystery Soup hand mixed by Lori.
It's not easy to choose between such enticing prices!!! However I think I would go for her book first and and a mystery soup hand mixed by lori as I love surprises :-)

** Beading Arts is hosting a Tagua nut beads from Equadorian Hands Giveaway. I have never worked with tagua nut beads and I would like to.


  Moja pošiljka "župce" (za 6. Bead Soup Blog Party) za Amy je prispela srečno na cilj, v točno enem tednu preko oceana. Amy je o tem napisala tako navdušeno objavo na blogu, da mi je postalo kar nerodno in nisem prepričana, da si res zaslužim tak kompliment :-P Hvala, Amy!
  Kakorkoli že, vse kose iz polimerne gline sem izdelala sama, pri tem pa se zelooo zabavala s tehniko razpokanja (cracling). Kar nekaj poskusov je bilo potrebnih, da sem dobila pravo mero razpokanja, točno tako, kot sem želela. Sicer pa bodo tudi ostale plahtice in koščki našli svojo uporabo. Zgoraj je tako slikica originalne "župce", ali kot ji Kitty pravi "mineštre".
  Zdaj sem pa res radovedna, kaj bo Amy naredila iz njih!!! Najin datum razkritja izdelkov je 11. avgust 2012.

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