
November 7, 2012

And the Winners are ... / Nagrado prejmejo ...

  Hello, 8.00 pm CET just passed and it's time to draw the winners of my first little PEPITA GIVEAWAY!
  Osma zvečer je že mimo, zato je končno napočil čas za žrebanje nagrajencev v moji prvi mali NAGRADNI IGRI PEPITA! 

  Let's see who the candidates for the first prize THE EARRINGS are:
  Kandidatke za prvo nagrado - UHANE so:
1. Ginger Bishop
2. Therese's Treasures
3. Lori Anderson
4. Tiffany Smith
5. NPedersen

  And the candidates for the second prize BEADS AND PENDANT are:
  Kandidatke za drugo nagrado - PERLE IN OBESEK so:
1. Ginger Bishop 
2. Therese's Treasures
3. Shirley Moore
4. Lori Anderson
5. Tiffany Smith
6. NPedersen

  I decided to leave the True random generator the honour to choose the winners, as my little boys are already in bed.
  Ker sta moja mala fanta že v postelji, sem se odločila, da prepustim čast izbire zmagovalk kar True random generator-ju.


The winner of the EARRINGS is:
UHANE dobi:



And the winner of the BEADS & PENDANT is:


  However, I have not finished yet! Do you remember my Pay it Forward Giveaway? As the first to comment was Sandra, who I won the PIF giveaway from, there were only two winners and three offeres secret prizes.
  A to še ni konec! Se še spominjate moje nagradne igre Podari naprej (Pay it Forward Giveaway)? Glede na to, da je bila prva komentatorka Sandra, od katere sem jaz dobila nagrado, sta bili samo dve zmagovalki, ponujene nagrade pa tri.

  That's why I decided to choose another winner today - with no obligations regarding Pay it forward, but with a secret gift. I will use the list of the second prize (everybody who commented is on this list).
  Zato sem se odločila, da danes izberem še eno zmagovalko - z nikakršno obveznostjo glede igre podarjanja naprej, ki pa bo dobila skrivnostno nagrado. Za žreb bom uporabila kar seznam za drugo nagrado, ker ste na njej vse, ki ste se odločile sodelovati v nagradni igri.

And the winner of the SECRET GIFT is:



  I would really like to thank all the participants for their nice comments on my work.
I'll contact the winners in the next days by mail for your snail mail.
  Vsem sodelujočim bi se rada zahvalila za prijazne komentarje o mojih izdelkih, zmagovalke pa bom v naslednjih dneh kontaktirala po mailu za poštne naslove.

  Have a beautiful evening!
  Želim vam čudovit večer!



  1. Oh wow, I won the pendant! I am totally thrilled Alenka to have one of your creations. Thank you and thank you to the random picker.

  2. Oh wow I can't wait to see my secret gift is!!! I WON I'm super excited,


I'll be happy to read all of your comments. /
Vesela bom vsakega vašega komentarja.