February 10, 2013
Two Days Sewing Marathon ... / Dvodnevni šiviljski maraton ...
... is over!!! And the costumes for my kids are ready for the party. Well, one of the parties was already yesterday. Our kitchen table looked like that for two days, I've just moved some things for the meals....
... se je zaključil!!!! In pustna kostuma za moja tamala sta pripravljena za žurko. Pravzaprav je bila prva žurka že včeraj. Naša jedilna miza je bila dva dni naložena s šiviljskimi pripomočki, dovolila sem jo delno sprazniti le za obroke ...
My older one has very creative ideas about the costumes for Carnival and he usually changes his mind very often. It means I have to wait until last few days before I start to sew. This year first idea was Gormiti!!! How does a Gormiti look like ??!! How could I make this kind of costume??
Moj tastarejši ima vedno nenavadne ideje za pusti kostum, a ne samo to, tudi premisli se večkrat. To pomeni, da moram počakati do zadnjega, preden se lotim šivanja. Letošnja prva ideja je bil Gormit!!! Kako pa sploh izgleda gormit???!! Kako naj naredim tak kostum??
Well, fortunately the second idea was Spider! Not Spiderman, but the black animal with six legs and a green scull on the back. Ok, I'm fine with that ... and very soon I had all the details in my head.
Na srečo je bila druga ideja sprejemljivejša - Pajek! Črna žival s šestimi nogami in zeleno mrtvaško glavo na hrbtu. Ok, to je že boljše ... in prav hitro sem imela v mislih izdelano idejo za kostum.
But then a week ago the third idea came to light - a Pirat!
I said him: "Fine, we can buy an alredy made costume as there are plenty of pirats in the stores!"
And he replied: "No, Mum, the costumes in the stores are junk (well, the exact term was a little different, but I can't find the right expression in English). I like the ones that you make!!"
And what can you do if your 6-year kid says that and express his preference for handmade?? Well, I started my sewing marathon.
A potem se je mladi mož spet premislil, rad bi bil pirat!
Rekla sem mu: "Ok, za pirata lahko kupimo že izdelan kostum v trgovini, tega imajo dosti."
V odgovor sem dobila: "Ne, mama, kostumi v trgovin so brezveze. Mani so všeč tisti, ki jih ti izdelaš!!"
In kaj lahko narediš potem, ko ti 6-letni mulc izkaže spoštovanje do ročnega dela?? Ni kaj, jaz sem takoj začela svoj šiviljski maraton.
By the way, the youngest decided to use the Shaun the Sheep costume, but when he saw the oldest in his new costume, he wanted to be pirat, too! Fortunately Mum knows them quite well and had enough material for two costumes.
Mimogrede, mlajši možek se je najprej navdušil za kostum Backa Jon, a ko je videl brata v novem piratskem kostumu, je tudi on želel takega! Na srečo ju njuna mama kar dobro pozna, zato je bilo blaga dovolj za oba.
I'll show you the costumes Tuesday :-)
No, naši mali maškari bom pokazala v torek, ko bo žurka na višku!
Be happy,
Veselite se!
Looking forward to seeing the costumes!