June 14, 2013

Soon to come ... / Prav kmalu ...

  This Sunday will be my first Blogoversary ... exactly one year from my first blog post! I want to celebrate it, but I'm not sure how. So I decided to ask to you, my followers!
  V nedeljo bo prva obletnica mojega bloga ... kar pomeni, da bo minilo točno leto dni od moje prve blogovske objave. To prvo obletnico bi rada obeležila naposeben način, vendar se še nisem odločila, kako. Zato sem se odločila, da vprašam vas, vse, ki me spremljate!

  What would you prefer:
  V čem bi najrajši sodelovali:

A - a giveaway of a necklace made by me in the colors chosen by the winner 
A - nagradna igra - podarila bi ogrlico, izdelano v barvi, ki bi jo izbral zmagovalec/ka

B - a blog hop - I decide a topic and you have three weeks to make something inspired by that topic, it can be a piece of jewelry or an ornament or something else, and write a blog post about it 
B - "blog hop" - Jaz bi določila temo, na katero bi do določenega datuma nekaj ustvarili (kos nakita ali ornament ali kaj drugega) in rezultat objavili na vašem blogu

C - a giveaway with a blog hop - I give away a component made by me to 5-8 participants and they have to make something with it by a certain date and publish a blog post about it
C - nagradna igra in "blog hop" - za 5-8 sodelujočih, ki bi prejeli en polizdelek iz polimerne gline (obesek ali perlo ali zaponko) ter do določenega datuma izdelali kos nakita ter rezultat objavili na svojem blogu

D - your suggestions
D - vaše ideje


Can't wait to read what would you choose!!!
Komaj čakam, da preberem vaše izbire!!!


AntiquityTravelers said...

congrats on the blogoversary! any one of these ideas are fantastic :)

Chelle said...

congrats!!! I would love a blog hop with a giveaway... but whatever you choose is great.

Monique (A Half-Baked Notion) said...

Option C would be fun, Alenka, not just for the participants but everyone to view their creations!

Dolores Raml said...

Congrats, I like C the most but whatever you decide would be great.

KayzKreationz said...

I like C. I always like a challenge.