Are you just a little bit curious about my bead soup for Amy? Would you like to have a sneak peek? Hmmmm, I don't know .... should I show or should I not? Ok, ok, I'm gonna do it!!!
Here it is!
Živjo, ste vsaj malo radovedni, kako izgleda moja "župca" za Amy? No, tukaj je sedaj majhna pokušina - več pa ne smem izdati vsaj dokler ne prispe moja pošiljka k naslovnici.
June 29, 2012
June 27, 2012
My partner of the 6th BSBP
I was so impatient to know who my partner of the 6th Bead Soup Blog Party is that I've waited until midnight to receive the e-mail from Lori, our BSBP hostess. As she had to send about 400 mails and our time zones are 6 hours apart, I learned only the next morning that my partner is Amy Severino from Maryland (US).
I've immediately checked her blog and found out that she is a bead weaver. Here are some of her pieces I like very much ...
I've immediately checked her blog and found out that she is a bead weaver. Here are some of her pieces I like very much ...
However, the "hardest" part of the party arrived - to make a bead soup for Amy. I've asked her if there are any "do nots" and I liked very much her reply that I don't need to check her style as the surprise and the challenge are the whole point. As I work with polymer clay, I decided to make some beads by myself and to buy some others. The ordered material arrived today and my own beads will be finished tonight - so I will be ready to send the package tomorrow (the deadline is Monday, July 2).
I've let myself be droven by the momentary inspiration while making beads and I think for Amy it will be a challenge outside her normal "comfort zone", but I'm sure I'll like the final result. So, stay tuned for the sneak peek of my soup for Amy....
Pri sodelovanju v šestem (a zame prvem) Bead Soup Blog Party-ju je prišel prvi težko pričakovani trenutek - izvedela sem, da je moja partnerica v tej "župci" Amy Severino iz Marylanda (ZDA). Seveda sem takoj preverila njen blog in ugotovila, da je njena strast šivanje perl - zgoraj lahko občudujete slike nekaterih meni ljubših njenih izdelkov, še več slik pa vas čaka na njenem blogu.
Hkrati pa je prispel tudi najtežji del te izmenjave - izbrati perle, obesek in zaponko), ki jih moram poslati Amy najkasneje 2. julija. Vprašala sem jo, če je kaj takega, kar si prav ne bi želela, pa me je razveselil njen odgovor, da je bistvo zabave ravno presenečenje in izziv. Tako sem se odločila, da nekaj koščkov naredim sama iz polimerne gline, nekaj pa jih kupim. Ker sem se pri izdelavi svojih kosov prepustila trenutnemu navdihu, bo moja "župca" zadnjo predstavljala skok izven njenega običajnega stila, a verjamem, da mi bo končni rezultat všeč.
June 22, 2012
6th BSBP & me
While we are waiting to know who is our partner in the 6th Bead Soup Blog Party (BSBP) I should tell something about myself and my interest in jewellery making. Well, I'm a newbie in jewellery making, but I've always felt the need to make something with my hands.
I think I should first introduce myself - my name is Alenka and I live in Slovenia, a small state in the European Union. When I was a kid, if anybody was creating or fixing anything, there was certainly me around looking and learning ... I was equally interested in an electric device or wood or wool or ...
In primary school I started with crocheting, knitting, macrame, bobbin lace-making, sewing ... self-taught mostly. It's not difficult to figure out why the pre-carnival period and the making of costumes was one of my favorites periods of the year.
During the secondary and the high school period I played wolleyball on a (half-)professional level and my favourite pastime during long transfers by bus to a volleyball match was crocheting and knitting. After that I have bought a sewing machine and started making bags and carnival costumes for my two kids.
Last summer (2011) I suddenly discovered polymer clay and I was immediately hooked by the possibilities of this medium - and I started to make jewellery. I have to admit I'm a polymer clay addict since then. I'm never tired of searching around the web for new techniques, following the work of other artists, however always trying to give a personal touch to my creations... I found out that there is an amazing world of great artists and at the same time good-natured human beings out there and I'm glad I can be a small part of it. As I have a full-time job and two small kids I don't have much free-time left and jewellery making is only my hobby, for now. I started this blog just few days ago and you can find more of my creations in my Flickr gallery.
Can't wait to know who is gonna be my partner and to begin with this party - let's dance (another passion of mine)!!!
I think I should first introduce myself - my name is Alenka and I live in Slovenia, a small state in the European Union. When I was a kid, if anybody was creating or fixing anything, there was certainly me around looking and learning ... I was equally interested in an electric device or wood or wool or ...
In primary school I started with crocheting, knitting, macrame, bobbin lace-making, sewing ... self-taught mostly. It's not difficult to figure out why the pre-carnival period and the making of costumes was one of my favorites periods of the year.
During the secondary and the high school period I played wolleyball on a (half-)professional level and my favourite pastime during long transfers by bus to a volleyball match was crocheting and knitting. After that I have bought a sewing machine and started making bags and carnival costumes for my two kids.
Last summer (2011) I suddenly discovered polymer clay and I was immediately hooked by the possibilities of this medium - and I started to make jewellery. I have to admit I'm a polymer clay addict since then. I'm never tired of searching around the web for new techniques, following the work of other artists, however always trying to give a personal touch to my creations... I found out that there is an amazing world of great artists and at the same time good-natured human beings out there and I'm glad I can be a small part of it. As I have a full-time job and two small kids I don't have much free-time left and jewellery making is only my hobby, for now. I started this blog just few days ago and you can find more of my creations in my Flickr gallery.
Can't wait to know who is gonna be my partner and to begin with this party - let's dance (another passion of mine)!!!
June 17, 2012
#17/52 Earrings
The original idea for this week earrings was THE HIDDEN REVEALED: a white cube with a cut out section that reveales the colorful striped interior. During the procedure I was a bit clumsy using a tool that was not sharp enough and the result was not the expected one. Fortunately - as very often with polymer clay - a lot of sanding brought an acceptable solution.
Osnovna ideja za uhane tega tedna je bila RAZKRITI SKRITO: bela kocka, iz katere bi bil "izsekan" košček, ki bi razkrival črtasto barvito notranjščino. Ker pa sem bila pri izdelavi nekoliko nerodna in sem izbrala premalo oster pripomoček za izsekanje, se ni izšlo točno tako, kot sem si predstavljala. Na koncu je uhane rešilo brušenje in izdelek sem le pripeljala do konca.
Osnovna ideja za uhane tega tedna je bila RAZKRITI SKRITO: bela kocka, iz katere bi bil "izsekan" košček, ki bi razkrival črtasto barvito notranjščino. Ker pa sem bila pri izdelavi nekoliko nerodna in sem izbrala premalo oster pripomoček za izsekanje, se ni izšlo točno tako, kot sem si predstavljala. Na koncu je uhane rešilo brušenje in izdelek sem le pripeljala do konca.
6th Bead Soup Blog Party
I did it, I signed up for the 6th Bead Soup Blog Party, organized by Lori Anderson. The partners will be announced June 24th, and the beads must be sent until July 2nd. You can read more here.
Pa sem se le odločila in se prijavila na 6. Bead Soup Blog Party, ki ga organizira Lori Anderson. Gre za mednarodno izmenjavo, v kateri partnerju, ki ti je dodeljen, pošlješ nekaj perl in drugih kosov za izdelavo nakita, on/ona pa tebi. Iz prejetih kosov moraš nato izdelati nakit in ga na določen datum objaviti na svojem blogu.
Pa sem se le odločila in se prijavila na 6. Bead Soup Blog Party, ki ga organizira Lori Anderson. Gre za mednarodno izmenjavo, v kateri partnerju, ki ti je dodeljen, pošlješ nekaj perl in drugih kosov za izdelavo nakita, on/ona pa tebi. Iz prejetih kosov moraš nato izdelati nakit in ga na določen datum objaviti na svojem blogu.
June 16, 2012
52 parov uhanov na leto / 52 pairs of earrings a year
I discovered polymer clay only last summer, but it was an immediate love. Searching around the web I discovered an open group on Flickr, created by Anke Humpert. The challenge of the group is to make a pair of earrings each week. As I joned the 13 week and I'll try to catch up befor the end of the year.
Polimerno glino sem odkrila šele poleti 2011, vendar se mi je kar hitro "prilepila na roke". Pri spremljanju dela drugih ustvarjalk, sem odkrila skupino, ki jo je Anke Humpert vzpostavila v začetku leta in katere izziv je vsak teden v letu 2012 ustvariti en par uhanov. Sama sem se pridružila šele v 13. tednu, zato bom poleg rednega tedenskega para uhanov do konca leta naredila še manjkajočih 12 parov.
These are my first 16 pairs / To je mojih prvih 16 parov:
Nekaj več o uhanih lahko v slovenščini preberete na mojem Facebook profilu.
Some more information in English about the earrings are available in my Flickr gallery, where you can see also my other creations.
Polimerno glino sem odkrila šele poleti 2011, vendar se mi je kar hitro "prilepila na roke". Pri spremljanju dela drugih ustvarjalk, sem odkrila skupino, ki jo je Anke Humpert vzpostavila v začetku leta in katere izziv je vsak teden v letu 2012 ustvariti en par uhanov. Sama sem se pridružila šele v 13. tednu, zato bom poleg rednega tedenskega para uhanov do konca leta naredila še manjkajočih 12 parov.
These are my first 16 pairs / To je mojih prvih 16 parov:
Nekaj več o uhanih lahko v slovenščini preberete na mojem Facebook profilu.
Some more information in English about the earrings are available in my Flickr gallery, where you can see also my other creations.
Začetek / Beginning
Here we are... I'm blogging! Most of my writting will be about creativity and my creations and about all the things I would find interesting to talk about. Let us be surprised!
Pa smo tu! Tudi mene boste lahko spremljali na blogu ... Pravzaprav bo namenjen ustvarjanju in mojim izdelkom, vmes pa se bo znašlo še kaj drugega, kar se mi bo zdelo zanimivo za objavo. Pustimo se presenetiti!
Pa smo tu! Tudi mene boste lahko spremljali na blogu ... Pravzaprav bo namenjen ustvarjanju in mojim izdelkom, vmes pa se bo znašlo še kaj drugega, kar se mi bo zdelo zanimivo za objavo. Pustimo se presenetiti!
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