About Me / O meni

Hello! My name is Alenka and this blog is dedicated to the colorfulness of my creative moments that are at the same time my best relax. As far as I can remember I always feel the need to create with my hands, just the medium changed from time to time. Now I'm a polymer clay addict. Hope you will find an interesting reading.
You can find more of my creations on my flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pepita_handmade/
e-mail: pepita.handmade (at) yahoo.com
Živjo! Na blogu boste lahko spremljali barvitost mojih ustvarjalnih trenutkov, ki so tudi trenutki moje sprostitve že od malih nog. Vedno sem morala nekaj ustvarjati s svojimi rokami, le mediji so se skozi leta spreminjali. Trenutno me najbolj navdušuje polimerna glina. Upam, da boste našli zanimivo branje. Alenka

1 comment:

sheilaposter said...

How lucky to get Lori as a partner. Does Pepita mean pumpkin-seed in Slovenian(Croatian?Serbian?)