December 24, 2013

Wishing you ... / Želim vam ...

... a Merry Christmas (for those who celebrate it) and happy festivities 
with a lot of laugh and good mood!
... vesel božič (za tiste, ki ga praznujete) in prijetne praznike 
ter veliko smeha in dobre volje!


This happen to be my 100th blog post, so stay tuned for the next few days ... there may be a surprise ... 
Ker pa je to ravno moja 100-ta objava na blogu, vas vabim, da se vrnete v naslednjih dneh ... mogoče vas čaka presenečenje ...

Be happy and give love,
Bodite veseli in podarite ljubezen,


December 12, 2013

Workshop with Bettina Welker - part 2 / Delavnica z Bettino Welker - 2. del

  The afternoon of the second workshop day was scheduled for the Sorbetto pendant. This time I've decided to go outside my colour comfort zone and I've chosen an olive green for my base colour: 
  Popoldanska delavnica drugega dne je bila namenjena sorbet obeskom. Pri izbiri barv sem tokrat stopila nekoliko izven moje varne cone in izbralaolivno zeleno barvo za osnovo:

  The base is mica shift, polished and buffed to a high shine; the clasp part is roughly textured.
  Pri osnovi obeska je uporabljena "mica shift" tehnika, nato pa veliko brušenja in poliranja do visokega sijaja; za zaponko pa je uporabljena groba tekstura.

  I almost forgot to tell you one more interesting thing. All the participants at the worsksop had a homework to do - it was a kind of ticket to enter the worshop. Each one has to make 2 equal big beads: they were supposed to be at least 3 cm/1.2 inch wide/high, but there were no limits for the shape.
  Skoraj sem pozabila povedati še eno zanimivost - vse sodelujoče na delavnici smo imeledomačo nalogo, ki je služila kot neke vrste vstopnica na delavnico. Izdelati smo morale dve enaki veliki perli/koščka iz polimerne gline: v širino oz. višino sta morali meriti vsaj 3 cm, ni pa bilo nobenih omejitev glede oblike.  

  These were mine - inspired by the grape harvest:
  Navdih za perli, ki sem jih izdelala jaz, sem dobila kar pri obdobju trgatev:

  All the beads were put on a beading wire and two equal sets were created:
  Vsi koščki so bili nanizani na vrvico in nastala sta dva enaka seta:

   One set went to the organizers and for the second set all our names were "put in the hat" and Bettina was the one that had to draw the winner. Well, it wasn't me the lucky one :-(
  Prvi set so shranile organizatorice delavnice, za drugi set pa smo se potegovale vse udeleženke. Bettina je izžrebala dobitnico in na mojo veliko žalost to nisem bila jaz :-(

 Anyway, I'm soooo happy I decided to participate at the workshop and had experienced a creative weekend with no everyday taskas and worries. And I also have a new polymer clay book in my collection, and this is signed by the author - Bettina.
  A nič zato, zelooooo sem bila vesela, da sem se odločila sodelovati na delavnici in tako preživeti ustvarjalni vikend brez vsakdanjih opravil in skrbi. Poleg tega pa je moja zbirka knjig bogatejša za Bettinino knjigo - s posvetilom in avtogramom.

Be happy,
Bodite veseli,


December 7, 2013

Workshop with Bettina Welker - part 1 / Delavnica z Bettino Welker - 1. del

  Huh, it's been 4 weeks already from the workshop with Bettina Welker in Ljubljana and I've still not written a word about it!!! 
  Uf, že 4 tedni so minili od delavnice z Bettino Welker v Ljubljani, jaz pa o tem nisem še nič objavila!!!

  It was my first workshop ever and those were two beautiful days!!! Two days just claying and chatting with other polymer clay enthusiasts! Just a blast!!!
  To je bila moja prva delavnica in bila sta dva res čudovita dneva!! Dva dneva v celoti posvečena ustvarjanju iz polimerne gline in klepetanju z drugimi poli-navdušenkami! Pravi užitek!!!
  Let's get this party started!!!
  Well, we started  with the hinged bracelet and this is the one I've made ...
   Začeli smo s pregibno zapestnico in moj izdelek izgleda tako ...

... and the whole pyramid of bracelets (with Bettina and the organizers):
... cela piramida zapestnic pa je zelo barvita (z Bettino in organizatorkami):

 The second day we started with the jellyfish earrings. Can you guess which ones are mine?
  Drugi dan je bil najprej posvečen meduzicam - uhanom. Ali uganete, kateri so moji?

Photo by Roberta M.

 The red ones!!!
  Rdeči, seveda!!!


towards the light / proti svetlobi

  Did you have any doubts??!! :-)
  They are quite small - about 2 cm/0.8 inch wide and very very light. It's so nice to wear them.
  Ali je sploh kdo podvomil v to?!! :-)
  Uhani so precej majhni, v širino merijo le 2 cm, in izredno lahki. Nositi jih je lepo, saj so kot peresca. 

  The second post about the workshop with new pictures is coming soon ....
  Druga objava o delavnici z Bettino in novimi slikcami sledi prav kmalu ....


In the meantime 3 of my swap packages are wandering somewhere in the postal system:
- one to US for Fall inchies swap;
- one to Netherlands for the Christmas ornament polymer clay swap and
- one to Germany for the Bead Soup Cafe Holiday gift swap.
I really hope they all find their way to the final destination!!! At the moment the delivery is late for all of them ...
Medtem pa 3 moji paketki z izdelki za izmenjavo klatijo nekje v poštnem sistemu:
- eden je namenjen v ZDA za Jesensko izmenjavo inchijev (2,5 x 2,5 cm ploščice), 
- drugi je namenjen na Nizozemsko za Izmenjavo božičnih okraskov iz polimerne gline,
- tretji pa v Nemčijo za Praznično izmenjavo daril v okviru FB skupine Bead Soup Cafe. 
Res upam, da bodo vsi našli pravo pot do cilja!!! Trenutno namreč dostava za vse tri zamuja ...  

Be happy,
Bodite veseli,

November 24, 2013

I have finally finished ... / Pa sem le dokončala ....

  ... my "Leaf in the wind" necklace.
... ogrlico, ki sem jo poimenovala "List v vetru".

After several diferent ideas that came on my mind, I've chosen a simple button closure. The polymer clay button is made using the same surface treatment as the leaf pendant.
Po poigravanju z različnimi možnostmi in idejami, sem se odločila za enostavno zapiranje na gumb, ki sem ga izdelala iz polimerne mase z enako površinsko obledavo kot obesek.

And - I'm so happy to announce that this pendant was featured in the November issue of Bead Chat magazine (on page 27)!!! I submitted the picture the last minute and I wasn't sure it will be accepted.
In - z velikim veseljem lahko povem, da je ta obesek/ogrlica objavljen v novembrski številki revije Bead Chat!!! Fotografijo sem poslala zadnji trenutek, tako da nisem bila prepričana, če bo objavljena - a je bila - poglejte na stran 27!!!

  This is the very first feature of a piece of jewelry made by me in a magazine and I'm soooo happy, I can't explain how!!! ***Happy dance*** 
 To je moja čisto prva objava v reviji, ki se ukvarja z nakitom in sem takoooo vesela, da ne morem razložiti!!! ***juppi-juppi-jaaaa***

  The Leave in the wind necklace will be available in my etsy shop later tonight. Oh, yes, I'm fnally opening my Etsy shop!
  Ogrlica bo kasneje zvečer na razpolago v moji Etsy trgovinici. Tako je, končno odpiram svojo Etsy trgovinico!

  Be happy,
Bodite veseli,


November 21, 2013

Meow ... / Mjau ...

  Look what I have received today!!!!
   Poglejte, kaj sem pa jaz danes dobila po pošti!!!

  The cuttiest Blue Mudd ceramic cat, sent to me by Rita of Toltec Jewels for participating in her Octoberfest 2013 challenge. Thank you, Rita, you are so generous!!!
  Najbolj simpatičnega keramičnega Blue Mudd mucka, ki mi ga je poslala Rita od Toltec Jewels kot zahvalo za sodelovanje v njenem Octoberfest 2013 izzivu. Rita, najlepša hvala!!!

  Love it! 
  Ful je simpatičen!

  In fact it reminds me of our cat. Well, it's not really our cat ... it's like he has adopted us. Since our kitty died, he started to come to our house and now he's just all day and night around.
   Pravzaprav me spominja na našega mačka. No, ta maček ni ravno naš ... lahko bi rekla, da nas je posvojil. Odkar je naša maca poginila, je začel hoditi k naši hiši in zdaj je kar tukaj pri nas.

Be happy,
Bodite veseli,

November 15, 2013

Art Charm Exchange 2013 Reveal and Auction!!!

  It's finally time for the reveal of all the art charms made by 38 participants for the 2013 Art Charm Exchange benefiting Beads of Courage and hosted by Jennifer Cameron of Glass Addictions.

  Let me give you some information about the event, first. Each participant had to make 10 charms +1 (total of 11 charms). The theme for this charm swap was “love”. It didn’t have to say the word love or have a heart, it just needed to represent something that means love to us.

 Every participant has received one of her own charms back, plus 9 charms of the other participants, randomly chosen by Jennifer. 

   The extra charm (the +1) of each participant is auctioned to benefit Beads of Courage - starting from today!!! 

  All the ideas that came to my mind when thinking about what to do, were heart shaped, so I had no choice, but creating a heart. a little bit of gold, a little bit of red and a little bit of shine ... here's my art charm (made from polymer clay with a swarovski crystal):

  I've named the charms FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART - Love has the magic to find the shining in every human being ... When you let the outer shell of your heart open, there's the shining inner part that gives and accepts love unconditionally.


  Do you want to see what was in the package I've received back? I'm sure you do, so let me show you! I'll let the pictures speak by themselves. 

  At the bottom of this post you can find the list of the blogs of all the participants and learn more about the creative process or meaning of each charm. I just can't wait to see all the others I've not received!!!


 And NOW just go HERE and bid!!! These charms make GREAT gifts for Christmas, Hanukkah, hostesses, birthdays, etc.

The complete list of participants in this year's Art charm exchange is just below. 
Don't forget - you have the opportunity to own one or more of the charms you've seen here or on the other blogs and at the same time contribute for a very good cause - because every penny bid goes to Beads of Courage Programme for children with serious illness!!!

Caroline Dewison:

Charlene Bausinger Jacka:

Be happy and bid a lot!

November 8, 2013

So excited!!! / Tako vznemirjena!!!

  Tomorrow I'm off to Ljubljana for a weekend polymer clay workshop with Bettina Welker!!! It's the very first workshop I'm attending ever ... and I'm so excited!!!
  Jutri grem v Ljubljano na vikend delavnico z Bettino Welker!!! To je pravzaprav prva delavnica sploh, na kateri sodelujem ... in sem že sedaj tako vznemirjena!!!

  Have to bring with me 2 big beads - I've just finished them and put them in the oven. It's 9pm and I still have to pack my tools and my suitcase and ....  Oh, the last minute adrenalin!!!
  Vsaka udeleženka mora s seboj prinesti dve enaki perli/koščka - jaz sem svoja ravnokar končala in jih dala v pečico. Glede na to, da je ura že 9 zvečer in da moram še spakirati vso orodje in pripomočke ter osebne stvari in narediti še marsikaj .... Uh, ta adrenalin zadnje minute!!!

  So come back next week for a detailed report and pictures!!!  
  Za naslednji teden pa vam obljubim izčrpno poročilo in slikce!!!

  Be happy,
Bodite veseli, 

November 2, 2013

Art Charm Exchange - Update and Teaser

-->  If you are looking for the Octoberfest 2013 reveal, please go here.

  Jennifer Cameron of Glass Addictions is hosting the 2013 Art Charm Exchange benefiting Beads of Courage. I've participated last year and couldn't miss this year's event. 

  My art charms were sent out in time, but were delivered three working days after they should be, according to Slovenian Post delivery period and what I've paid for. Fortunately, Jen was so kind to wait two more days for them. 

  Jen already sorted all of the 500 (!!!) charms and sent them out to 38 participants from all over the United States, Canada, England, France and Slovenia (me) - as you can see on her blog post

  The ladies in the US already received their packages and they are already screaming and enjoying them, the others (including me) have to be patient and wait, wait, wait ... 

  However, this was only the first part of the event. The second, more important for the charity part, is going to happen on November 15th. All the participants will present on their blogs the charms they've created for this event and the auction to benefit Beads of Courage begins that day. 

  I want to give you a little teaser of what I've made - the theme was love and as you can see, my charms are a little gold, a little red, a little shiny .... but you'll have to come back on November 15th to see the clear picture:

  I'd like to finish with the words by Jen Cameron, the hostess and soul of this event:
Last year we raised $600 for Beads of Courage! I would love to raise $1000 this year…. These charms make GREAT gifts for Christmas, Hanukkah, hostesses, birthdays, etc. So please save your pennies, and mark the date on your calendar and bid often and bid high. You get art charms, and every penny bid goes to the kids who get Beads of Courage strands.

  See you on November 15th!!!

Be happy,

October 27, 2013

Octoberfest 2013 Celebration of Autumn - Reveal and Blog Hop

  Today Rita of Toltec Jewels is hosting the Second Annual October fest:A Home & Hearth Blog Hop Celebrating Autumn's Splendor with Beads, Jewelry, Home Decor, Food, Friends & Family! 


  As you have probably noticed already, autumn colors are absolutely my favorites - I love all the different shades from yellow to orange and red!!! And how could I let go a challenge that celebrates these colors??!! No way!!! :-D

  I love the color of the leaves in autumn and I love the khaki fruit (persimmon) - it's one of my absolutely favorite food. I love the warm autumn temperatures, a little less the shortening of the days ...

  The first idea for my Octoberfest necklace was a big leaf pendant. I had no idea about the whole piece, I just knew I want to create a polymer clay leaf. I was playing a little bit with the clay, but my hands almost immediately had a pretty clear idea what they wanted to do, so I've let them do ...

   I usually like simple designs, so I was thinking about a simple beaded rope and I've taken out my seed beads, and put some different sequences on a beading wire to chose the one I like most. However, in my immagination the leaf had to be alive, on a tree playing in the wind, with some little branches around ... so I've used many more copper seed beads to build a net of branches.

 And this is the whole picture:

   I know you don't see the clasp ... it has to be added and then I'l show you the whole piece. I'm currently visiting my relatives and I've forgotten it home :-$

  I've played a little with some different backgrounds to show you how the colors of the pendant change ...  

The leaf pendant on dark wood ...

... on the green grass ..

... and on my hand. Well, I have to warn you, my hands are quite big so the dimensions are not the standard ones ;-)

If you have some time or if you'd like to see how the autumn inspires other artists, you're more than welcome to take a virtual trip and  hop to the following blogs:

Toltec Jewels (Rita, our hostess)  
Caroline                                       http://
Andrea Glick-Zenith           
Dolores Raml                     
Karla Morgan                     
Susie Harris                       
Kay Thomerson                 
Jean Yates                        
Kelly Hosford Patterson     
Kathy Lindemer                 
Liz E                                  
Jasvanti Patel                    
Christie Murrow                 
Jodie Marshall                   
Andrea Trank                    
Dini Bruinsma                    
Elsie Deliz Fonseca           
Pepita                                  <--You are HERE!
Karla Morgan                    
Vera Lynn                         
Rana Wilson                     
Catherine King                 
Lily Vincent                       
Janice Hidey (Janimar)     
Cory Tompkins                 
Candida Castleberry        
Cynthia Kent Machata      
Alicia Marinache               
Linda Anderson                
Leah Curtis                       
Jennifer Reno (JenRen)    
Robin Reed                       
Tanty Sri Hartanti              
Lisa Lodge                        
Ingrid A.                            
Judy Turner                      
Gina Hockett                     
Nelly May                          
Tanya McGuire                 
Sonya Stille                       
Carol D.                            
Asri Wahyuningsih            
Ginger Bishop                   
Shaiha Williams                

Be happy,