February 28, 2013

A Deep Breathe ... / Globok vzdih ...

... and another one ... Yes, it's my 40th birthday today! Goodbay thirties ...
... in še eden ... Tako je, danes je moj 40. rojstni dan! Pa-pa, trideseta ...

  Well, I'm not sure how I feel about it. A little strange maybe. The time is passing so quickly, but I feel the same for at least last ten years. So let's celebrate the life today, all the happy, unforgettable moments it gives to us!!!
  Ne vem točno, kako se počutim ob tem dejstvu. Mogoče malo čudno.  Čas kar beži, sama pa se počutim približno enako kot pred desetimi leti. Torej - naj bo današnji dan namenjen praznovanju življenja, vseh tistih veselih, nepozabnih trenutkov, ki nam jih podari.

  As the creativity is an important part of my life I've decided to party all week. AND YOU ARE ALL INVITED!
  Glede na to, da je ustvarjalnost pomemben del mojega življenja, sem se odločila, da bom praznovala kar ves teden. IN VSI STE POVABLJENI!

  Over the next seven days there will be a lot of happening on my blog: a giveaway, the opening of my Etsy shop (with another giveaway) and more, beginning today with a collaboration with Amy of Amybeads (my partner from the last round of Bead Soup Blog Party):

  V naslednjem tednu bo kar nekaj dogajanja na mojem blogu: nagradna igra, otvoritev moje Etsy trgovinice (z nagradico za nekoga) in še več. začeli pa bomo kar danes. Z Amy (Amybeads), s katero sva bili partnerici v lanskoletnem Bead Soup Blog Party-ju, sva sodelovali pri izzivu  2nd Annual Spring Fling Kit Challenge!

  I have created the dragonfly focal for the challenge and she completed the kit with different beads.
 Za izziv sem izdelala ploščice s kačjimi pastirji, Amy pa je sestavila komplete za izziv z različnimi perlami. 
All the focals together ... / Vsi kačji pastirji na kupu ...

... and the single kit. / ... in posamezen komplet.

  The reveal day will be on April 20 and if you are interested to get one of this kits and participate, please go to Amy's blog to find all the details about it.
   Razkritje izdelkov in njihova objava na blogu bo 20. aprila in če bi želeli sodelovati, vas vabim na Amy-jin blog, kjer dobite vse podrobnosti.

  Be happy and stay tuned!
  Bodte veseli in na vezi!


February 25, 2013

Pens / Pisala

  Yesterday I have finally finished (read: sanded and polished) the pen from the meeting with some other Slovenian clayers.
  Včeraj sem končno dokončala svinčnik, ki sem ga oblekla v polimerno glino na srečanju z nekaterimi drugimi slovenskimi "fimarkami" - pravzaprav ga je bilo treba le še zbrusiti in spolirati. 

  As you can see, I was once again drown to sunny colours, captured in the lizzard tail pattern. Well, the pen was already seized by my boy ....
  Kot običajno so me spet povlekle sončne barve, ki sem jih "spletla" v "lizard tail" obliko. Svinčnik pa je že zasegel moj sin ...

  I'm one of the lucky winners of the From Polymer To Art WRITE & WIN game! I've won one of the great Staedtler writing instrument - a fountain pen, ready to be personalized by me. Hope I'll manage to finish it by the end of February to send the picture to the magazine. I know, there are only few days left ...

  Prejšnji teden sem izvedela, da sem ena od srečnih dobitnic v nagradni igri WRITE & WIN revije From Polymer To Art - dobila sem nalivno pero, ki se ga lahko obleče v polimerno glino. Upam, da ga bom uspela dokončati do konca meseca, da lahko sliko pošljem v revijo. Vem, do konca meseca je le še par dni ... 

  Be happy,
  Bodite srečni,


February 23, 2013

Some claying ... / Malo fimanja ...

  I've not done much claying lately, or better creating in general. A certain tiredness catched me, followed by a cold I'm fighting against right now :-(( 
That's not good as I have a lot of projects, swaps and challenges going. And I'm planning to open an Etsy shop, finally.
  Zadnje čase nisem nič "fimala" in niti drugače ustvarjala. Prijela se me je namreč neka utrujenost, ki se je včeraj spremenila v močen prehlad ali virozo :-((  Glede na to, da imam v teku več projektov, izmenjav in izzivov, je ravno nepravi trenutek za kaj takega. Poleg tega bi rada do konca meseca končno odprla tudi svojo Etsy trgovinico ...

  I've just wanted to show you some of beads and components - I've still not decided if I should use them to make some jewellery or just offer them as components in my Etsy shop. What do you think?
  Danes vam bom samo pokazala nekaj polizdelkov, za katere se še nisem odločila, ali naj jih uporabim za izdelavo nakita ali pa naj jih ponudim v prodajo kot take. Kaj menite?

    Well, I definitely need some lessons in protography, I can not catch the real shine of the objects ... And the charms still need to be polished.
    No, slike niso ravno super - nujno potrebujem kakšno lekcijo iz fotografiranja nakita, ker ne uspem uloviti tistega leska, kot ga imajo kosi v resnici ... Perlice pa potrebujejo še poliranje, seveda.

  In the meantime I've sent out to my partner Pat Lacy my swap items for the polymer clay Hearts &Texture swap, but she still haven't received them, so I can not show them. And I still haven't receive Pat's items as well.
  Pravočasno sem tudi poslala svoje izdelke preko luže Pat Lacy, s katero sva partnerici v mednarodni izmenjavi Srčkov in tekstur iz polimerne gline. Ker pošiljka še ni prispela do nje, jih še ne smem pokazati - ravno tako pa tudi jaz še nisem dobila svoje.

  See you soon (at least virtually),
  Na svidenje kmalu,


February 21, 2013

BSBP7 - Meet my Partner Gite

  Sooo cool, it's the Bead Soup Blog Party time again!!! If you don't know what a Bead Soup Blog Party (BSBP) is, you can receive all the informations here on our hostess's blog. This is the seventh party organized by Lori Anderson and my second. I've had such fun last year and even more, I was gifted with a new friendship that I'm sure will last, that this will be definitely a constant im my creative life.

  I'm not an early bird with this post, but finally I have a pleasure to present my partner Birgit Klughardt of GitesBeads from Berlin, Germany (EU). She is beadweaving and beadcrocheting beauties like these (I've borrowed the pictures from her blog):




   We've exchanged some mails and I'm sure we'll get along well :-D
   In a few days I'll write about my bead soup for Gite .... so stay tuned!

  Be well,

February 20, 2013

The Clock / Ura

   One of my very first polymer clay creations - made in the 2011, and the only clock I've made so far ... I have to say I've spet many hours making it as a total beginner!

   Eden od mojih prvih izdelkov iz polimerne gline - iz leta 2011. To je tudi edina ura, ki sem jo do sedaj naredila ... Kar precej ur dela je bilo vloženega, pa še prav nič izkušenj s polimerno glino nisem imela.

Be happy ...
Bodite veseli ....


February 13, 2013

Mardi Grass / Pustni torek

... and here they are, my Pirats!
... in tukaj sta moji maškari!

Quite elegant for pirats, aren't they? Well, that's because they are the Captains!! ;-)
Skoraj preveč elegantna za gusarja, kajne? To pa je zato, ker sta kapitana!! ;-)

Be happy and smile a lot!
Bodite veseli in se veliko smejite!


February 10, 2013

Two Days Sewing Marathon ... / Dvodnevni šiviljski maraton ...

  ... is over!!! And the costumes for my kids are ready for the party. Well, one of the parties was already yesterday. Our kitchen table looked like that for two days, I've just moved some things for the meals....
  ... se je zaključil!!!! In pustna kostuma za moja tamala sta pripravljena za žurko. Pravzaprav je bila prva žurka že včeraj. Naša jedilna miza je bila dva dni naložena s šiviljskimi pripomočki, dovolila sem jo delno sprazniti le za obroke ...

  My older one has very creative ideas about the costumes for Carnival and he usually changes his mind very often. It means I have to wait until last few days before I start to sew. This year first idea was Gormiti!!! How does a Gormiti look like ??!! How could I make this kind of costume??
  Moj tastarejši ima vedno nenavadne ideje za pusti kostum, a ne samo to, tudi premisli se večkrat. To pomeni, da moram počakati do zadnjega, preden se lotim šivanja. Letošnja prva ideja je bil Gormit!!! Kako pa sploh izgleda gormit???!! Kako naj naredim tak kostum??

  Well, fortunately the second idea was Spider! Not Spiderman, but the black animal with six legs and a green scull on the back. Ok, I'm fine with that ... and very soon I had all the details in my head.
  Na srečo je bila druga ideja sprejemljivejša - Pajek! Črna žival s šestimi nogami in zeleno mrtvaško glavo na hrbtu. Ok, to je že boljše ... in prav hitro sem imela v mislih izdelano idejo za kostum.

  But then a week ago the third idea came to light - a Pirat!
  I said him: "Fine, we can buy an alredy made costume as there are plenty of pirats in the stores!"
  And he replied: "No, Mum, the costumes in the stores are junk (well, the exact term was a little different, but I can't find the right expression in English). I like the ones that you make!!"
  And what can you do if your 6-year kid says that and express his preference for handmade?? Well, I started my sewing marathon.
  A potem se je mladi mož spet premislil, rad bi bil pirat!
  Rekla sem mu: "Ok, za pirata lahko kupimo že izdelan kostum v trgovini, tega imajo dosti."
  V odgovor sem dobila: "Ne, mama, kostumi v trgovin so brezveze. Mani so všeč tisti, ki jih ti izdelaš!!"
  In kaj lahko narediš potem, ko ti 6-letni mulc izkaže spoštovanje do ročnega dela?? Ni kaj, jaz sem takoj začela svoj šiviljski maraton.

  By the way, the youngest decided to use the Shaun the Sheep costume, but when he saw the oldest in his new costume, he wanted to be pirat, too! Fortunately Mum knows them quite well and had enough material for two costumes.
  Mimogrede, mlajši možek se je najprej navdušil za kostum Backa Jon, a ko je videl brata v novem piratskem kostumu, je tudi on želel takega! Na srečo ju njuna mama kar dobro pozna, zato je bilo blaga dovolj za oba.

  I'll show you the costumes Tuesday :-)
  No, naši mali maškari bom pokazala v torek, ko bo žurka na višku!

  Be happy,
  Veselite se!
