March 22, 2015

Butterflies Birthday Blog Hop and Giveaway - the List of Participants


I'm so glad so many of you decided to join me in this blog hop - there wll be exactly 19 of us creating something on the theme of butterflies.

Here's the list (I will put the links on the reveal day):

1. Alenka (Pepita) --> me, the hostess
2. Monique (A Half-Baked Notion)
3. Beti Horvath
4. Kathy Lindemer
5. Kepi
6. Christine Altmiller
7. Amy S.
8. Dini Bruinsma
9. Cynthia (Antiquity Travelers)
10. Alicia
11. sheilaposter
12. Therese Frank
13. Rebecca White
14. Rachel Mallis
15. Liz E
16. Ana (ACBeads)
17. Jasvanti Patel
18. Carolyn
19. Nan Smith
Thank you, Ladies!!!
Can't wait to see what will each of you create!!
Be happy,


March 14, 2015

Birthday Blog Hop and Giveaway - Postponed and New Dates!!

 It seems 28th of March is a very popular date for challenge reveals, so I've decided to postpone the reveal dates for my challenge ... to not be lost in a crowd.
HERE ARE THE NEW DATES, so you can still join us!

  Izkazalo se je, da je 28. marec zelo popularen datum za več izzivov v ustvarjalnem svetu, zato sem se odločila, da moj izziv nekoliko premaknem, da ne bomo ostali spregledani v gužvi. TUKAJ SO TOREJ NOVI DATUMI IZZIVA, zato se lahko še vedno prijavite!


   The theme for the blog hop is:
  Tema "blog hopa" je:



Every participant has to:

- create something on the theme of butterflies - it can be a piece of jewelry, an ornament or something else;
- write a blog post about the final creation and publish it on the blog hop date with the link to my blog and the list of all the participants. 

Vsak sodelujoči mora:

- ustvariti nekaj na temo metuljev - lahko je to kos nakita, okrasek ali kaj drugega;
- napisati nekaj o končnem izdelku in to objaviti na svojem blogu na dan "blog hop-a" s povezavo na moj blog in seznamom vseh sodelujočih. 

 Sign up deadline / Rok prijave: Sunday/Nedelja, 21 March/marec
 You can sign up commenting this post (don't forget to leave your e-mail).
 Prijavite se lahko s komentarjem pod to objavo (ne pozabite pripisati e-maila).

 Blog hop reveal / Objave na blogu:  Saturday/Sobota,  11 April 


On 13th of April I will randomly chose:
a) between all the participants at the blog hop  
5 persons 
that will receive one of beads or cabochons made by me from polymer clay;
b) between all that will comment on my reveal blog post  
1 person 
that will receive a pair of earrings made by me.


13. aprila bom izžrebala:
a) med vsemi sodelujočimi v blog hopu 
5 oseb
ki bodo prejele eno perlo ali kabošon, ki ga bom izdelala iz polimerne gline;
b) med vsemi, ki bodo komentirali mojo objavo,  
1 osebo
ki bo prejela en par mojih uhanov iz polimerne gline.

Everybody is welcome!!!
So, let's play!!!
Vsi ste dobrodošli!!!
Naj se igra torej začne!!!
