October 31, 2012

Gift receiving Thursday / Obdarovani četrtek

  Last Thursday was a gift-receiving day for me, even if it wasn't my birthday. Coming home from work I've opended the mail-box and there were two envelopes from United States waiting for me!!! Can you imagine - two in the same day. I'm not getting packages from US very often, so this was a great surprise (even if I was expecting both of them)!
  Prejšnji četrtek je bil dan za prejemanje daril zame, čeprav ni bil moj rojstni dan. Ko sem se vrnila iz službe, sem v poštnem nabiralniku našla dve kuverti iz ZDA. Dve kuverti na isti dan!! Glede na to, da ne prejemam ravno pogosto pošte iz Amerike, je bilo to veliko presenečenje (čeprav sem obe pričakovala).

  The first one was a yellow envelope with a nice handwritting from Lori Anderson - and I knew exactly what was inside: do you remember, some time ago I won a giveaway as part of her Bead Soup Book Tour. And this was the content of the envelope:
  Prva pošiljka je bila rumena kuverta z lepo pisavo od Lori Anderson, za katero sem točno vedela, kaj vsebuje. Se spomnite - pred nekaj tedni sem bila srečna dobitnica nagradne igre na Lorinem blogu v okviru njene Bead Soup Book turneje. To pa je bila vsebina kuverte:

different threads I will certainly use for jewelry making. Lori, thank you very much!
 različni trakovi, ki jih bom, seveda, uporabila pri izdelavi nakita. Lori, najlepša hvala!

  The second envelope was from my journal cover swap partner Byrd Tetzlaff - I've blogged about her here. And the content of this package was a total enigma for me - well, not really, I knew it was a journal cover ... but had no clue about how it looks.
  Drugo pošiljko je poslala moja partnerica v izmenjavi naslovnic dnevnika Byrd Tetzlaff, o kateri sem že napisala par besed tukaj. Vsebina te pošiljke pa je bila velika uganka zame - no, ne ravno neznanka, ker sem vedela, da vsebuje naslovnico dnevnika ... vendar pa nisem imela pojma, kakšno.

  My heart almost stopped when I saw the package was weirdly flattened and there was a label "item from abroad arrived damaged" on it. I was so afraid to open it and find a broken cover ... As the curiosity was stronger than fear I opened it immediately and a sigh of relief was the next thing everybody heard.
  Kar zmanjkalo mi je sape, ko sem opazila, da je škatla čudno sploščena in da je na njej nalepka z napisom "pošiljka iz tujine je prispela: v poškodovanem stanju". Kar strah me je bilo, da bom notri našla polompleno ploščico ... Vendar pa je bila moja radovednost veliko večja od strahu in naslednji glas, ki ga je bilo slišati, je bil vzdih olajšanja.

  This is the journal cover Byrd made for me. I like all the bright colours and and the mandala like pattern very much. Thank you, Byrd!
  To je torej naslovnica za (umetniški) dnevnik, ki ga je Byrd izdelala zame. Zelo so mi všeč svetle, živahne barve in vzorec, podoben mandali. Najlepša hvala, Byrd!

  I've sent my cover for Byrd the same day as she did, but she still hasn't received it :-(  I'm getting a little worried about this delay ... hope it will arrive safe to her. Of course, I can not show it yet .... you will have to come back again.
  Naslovnico, ki sem jo izdelala za Byrd sem poslala isti dan kot ona, vendar še vedno ni prispela do nje :-(  Počasi me že skrbi, da se je pošijlka kje izgubila ... res upam, da bo kmalu prispela na cilj. Ravno zaradi tega pa vam je še ne morem pokazati, zato se boste morali vrniti še kdaj na moj blog.

  By the way, tomorrow I'll be hosting a giveaway on this blog, so you're welcome to join me.
  Mimogrede, jutri bom objavila nagradno igro na tem blogu in vas vse vabim, da se mi pri tem pridružite.

  Be happy,
  Bodite srečni!

October 28, 2012

Solar Flare Blog Hop

  In September Sam from Ultimate Supplies decided to start a new blog with a blog hop. He took this gorgeous photo during a sunset and based the challenge around it: the participants needed to create a unique piece of jewelry inspired by it:

  As these are totally my colours I decided immediately to join. At the time when I was thinking about what to make a package with some supplies I've ordered before arrived. When I was sorting the materials I was hooked by these marmorine drop perles and the twin beads in a similar colour. I added some of the amethist Miyuki beads and here is the pair of earrings I made:

It's the first time I'm using the twin-beads and the pattern would need some more improvements, but I think the marmorine effect recalls the colours of the sunsets and specially the solar flare quite well.

  Thank you for visiting and please check the creations of the other participants:

Shawn Marie Mills
Karin King
Alicia Marinache
Kelly Hosford Patterson
Delia Marsellos-Traister
Dana Lang
Mischelle Fanucchi
Jessica Murray
Cynthia Abner
Charlie Jacka
Shannon Hicks
Zoe Marcin
Rebecca Sirevaag
Miranda C. Ackerley
Paula Winchester Hisel
Lynn Jobber/Lo/The Creative Klutz
Alenka Obid  <-- you are here

  Happy hoping!

October 25, 2012

A Time to Stitch 2 - Reveal

  Okay, it's time for for the reveal of the A TIME TO STITCH 2 challenge, hosted by Therese and Christine.

  I'm a bit nervous as these are my first steps in beadweaving, but I already love it very much. That means this is only the beginning and you will see more from me in the future :-)

  Let's start with the CRAW - the first one I've tried. I made a bracelet

and a pair of earrings.

  The second stich I learned was St. Petersburg and I made a bracelet (with polymer clay buttons), 

a pair of earrings

and two rings.

  My design is quite simple, I'm still learning the basics, but I like it that way. They are all my experiments, I did not use any tutorials (except for learning the stitch itself). I know I havent't invented anything new, but I came to this solutions by myself. I'm kind of proud of it ... and I already have a lot of ideas to realize in the future :-) 

  And now, here's the complete list of participants - I'm sure you will find gorgeous creations on their blogs as they are all much more skilful than me:

Therese Frank and Christine Altmiller
Nikki Byers
Kristen Stevens
Shirley Moore
Cynthia Machata
Lola Surwillo
Maryanne Gross
Alenka  ß you are here!

Karin Slaton
Katherine Gale
Sally Russick
Amy Severino
Alicia Marinache
Sonya Stille
Tanya Goodwin
Lisa Stukel
Marla Gibson
Sarah Sequins
Andra Weber
Kim Hora
Karen Williams

  Happy hoping!

October 21, 2012

Pay it Forward Giveaway / Nagradna igra Podari naprej

  It seems recently I'm quite lucky in winning at giveaways ;-)  After the fiber soup from Lori Anderson, the luck knocked on my door again with a little particular giveaway hosted by Sandra Young of Gypsy Road Beads. I commented in time and won a surprise gift from her.
 Zadnje čase imam kar nekaj sreče pri nagradnih igrah na blogih ;-)  Pred kratkim sem bila izbrana kot dobitnica raznovrstnih trakov na blogu Lori Andersen, sedaj pa sem zadela še skrivnostno nagrado na blogu Sandre Young od Gypsy Road Beads v nekoliko posebni nagradni igri.

  Let me introduce Sandra with one of her creations that I like very much and would be happy to wear. What will I receive from Sandra will be a secret until I receive her package...   
    Naj vam predstavim Sandro s sliko ene od njenih kreacij, ki mi je zelo všeč in bi jo z veseljem nosila. Kaj pa bom jaz dobila za darilo od nje, bo skrivnost vse do takrat, dokler ne dobim njenega paketa ...

Sandra Young's Tribal Conch Shell & Coral necklace

  And now IT'S YOUR TURN - you can WIN A SURPRISE GIFT FROM ME, you just need to agree to the following instructions:
   Zdaj pa JE PRILOŽOST VAŠA, da dobite SKRIVNOSTNO NAGRADO OD MENE - pri tem morate slediti naslednjim navodilom:

  I’ll send a surprise gift to the first three commenters on this blog post. The gift will be a handmade surprise by me and will be sent to you some time in the next 365 days (yep, mystery gift at a mystery time).
  To complete signing up you MUST play along too. To do this you must blog a similar post and pledge to make a surprise gift for the first three people who comment on it. So, are you in? Comment below and make sure you include your email address in the comment if your profile doesn’t include it already. If I cannot contact your easily, unfortunately that will mean you can not win and that would make me sad.
  Skrivnostno darilo bom poslala prvim trem, ki bodo napisali komentar pod to objavo. Darilo bo moje ročno delo in bo poslano na naslov zmagovalcev enkrat v naslednjih 365 dneh (tako je, skrivnostno darilo ob skrivnostnem času).
  Za uspešno sodelovanje MORATE to igro nadaljevati. To pomeni, da morate na svojem blogu objaviti podobno objavo in se zavezati, da boste izdelali skrivnostno darilo za prve tri osebe, ki bodo komentirale vašo objavo. Torej, ste za igro? Če ste, takoj pustite svoj komentar pod to objavo in navedite tudi svoj e-mail naslov, če ga nimate že avtomatično nastavljenega v vašem profilu. Če vas ne bom mogla enostavno kontaktirati, ne boste mogli zmagati v tej igri, kar bi me zelo razžalostilo.

  I’ll email the first three commenters for your snail mail address and a ask a few questions (likes/dislikes, favourite colours, sizes general stuff like that). 
  Prvim trem, ki boste pustili komentar, bom poslala e-mail sporočilo z nekaterimi vprašanji (poštni naslov, kaj vam je/ni všeč, priljubljene barve, velikosti in podobno).

 So, go and comment, now!!! It's funny to make a day to somebody with an mystery gift at a mystery time, isn't it? ;-)
  Zdaj pa takoj napišite komentar!!! Kaj ni zabavno polepšati dan nekomu s skrivnostnim darilom ob neznanem času? ;-)
  Wishing you a lucky day,
   Želim vam srečen dan,

October 13, 2012

On my working table / Na moji delovni mizi

  There's quite a lot happening on my working table, but most of the things I can not show, yet. I have to wait for the reveal dates ... and you too :-)

  Na moji delovni mizi se kar veliko dogaja zadnje čase, vendar večine stvari še ne smem pokazati, ker so za različne izzive in moramo počakati na datum razkritja - tako jaz kot tudi vi :-)

  My charms for the ART CHARM BLOG HOP arrived safely to Jen's. The deadline is on 15th October, so I was already getting a little nervous about not being delivered yet - but my package was waiting for her at the post office. You can find more information on my previous post here. The reveal is planned for the 27th October (if everybody gets their charms in time).

  Kar oddahnila sem si, ker so moji obeski za ART CHARM BLOG HOP srečno prispeli do Jen. Glede na to, da skrajni rok za dostavo poteče v ponedeljek, me je že pošteno skrbelo, da moj paket ne bo pravočasno prispel preko oceana - na srečo jo je že par dni čakal na pošti. Nekaj več informacij o tem izzivu lahko najdete na moji stari objavi. Objava izdelkov pa je načrtovana za 27. oktober, a le v primeru, da bomo vsi sodelujoči pravočasno prejeli paketke od izmenjave.
  This weekend I'm working hardly for the polymer clay JOURNAL COVER SWAP, organized by Tina Holden. My swap partner is Byrd Tetzlaff from Bakersfield, California. She discovered polymer clay around 1998 and has loved it ever since. She enjoys doing cane work, embelishments and clay paintings. You can see her works on her Flickr site

  Ta vikend sem s polno paro vpeta v pripravo NASLOVNICE DNEVNIKA za izmenjavo v okviru Facebook skupine Polymer Clay Swaps, ki jo organizira Tina Holden. Moja partnerica v izmenjavi je Byrd Tetzlaff iz Bakersfielda v Kaliforniji, ki se je s polimerno glino srečala okrog 1998. leta in jo takoj vzljubila. Iz nje rada izdeluje kačice (v anglešini "canes";millefiori  in sorodne tehnike), okraske in slike iz polimerne gline. Njene izdelke si lahko ogledate v njeni Flickr galeriji.

  This time I'm catching the last train as the package should be sent by Monday, 15th October. Right now I'm finishing the main figure of the design - a detailed and time consuming technique. I will not spoil the surpise if I give you a little sneak peek:

  Pri tem izzivu lovim zadnji vlak, saj je skrajni rok za pošiljanje ponedeljek, 15. oktober. Ravnokar zaključujem glavno podobo oz. figuro v tehniki, ki zahteva precej natančno in dolgotrajno delo. Mislim, da ne bom pokvarila presenečenja, če vam dovolim pokukati skozi majhno lino:

  It looks quite weird on this picture :-P  
  It is much better in reality - my son wants to keep it for him, so it should be nice.
   Pravzaprav tako izgleda precej čudno :-P 
   V resnici izgleda precej lepše - glede na to, da bi jo rad moj sin obdržal zase, to pove vse ...

  I also have several cured polymer clay pieces on my table, waiting to be sanded, buffed, holes to be drilled ... and then different pieces of jewellery to be made.

   Na mizi imam tudi več pečenih kosov iz polimerne gline, ki čakajo na brušenje, poliranje, vrtanje lukenj ... in končno tudi sestavljanje v nakit, seveda.

  This is about polymer clay, for my progress in beadweaving some other time.
    No, to je nekaj o mojem ustvarjanju iz polimerne gline, o šivanju perl pa drugič. 

  Be happy!!
   Bodite veseli!!


October 9, 2012

New Chapter / Novo poglavje

  I haven't written here for a while and in the meantime there are some news. I have registered the bussines and now I can sell my creations :-) To celebrate this event (very important for me) I decided to have a give-away on this blog and make a happy day to another one or two of my followers ... It will happen soon, so stay tuned! :-D
  Nekaj časa se nisem oglasila in med tem imam za vas nekaj novic. Sedaj sem tudi uradno registrirala svojo dejavnost kot osebno dopolnilno delo, tako da lahko svoje izdelke tudi prodajam :-)  Za primerno obeležitev te (zame pomembne) prelomnice bom na tem blogu podarila nekaj mojih izdelkov, da polepšam dan še komu od vas, ki me spremljate. To se bo zgodilo prav kmalu, še ta mesec - zato bodite pozorni! :-D

  Another happy news for me is that I'm a winner of the Fiber Bead Soup Kit on Lori Anderson's blog for her Bead Soup Blog Book Tour!!! These beatiful fibers will be soon on my working table. Yay (in Slovenian it would sound like Yupeeeee), I'm so happy!!!
  Danes sem prejela še eno prijetno novico - izžrebana sem bila kot dobitnica teh čudovitih trakov na blogu Lori Anderson v okviru njene turneje Bead Soup Blog Book Tour!!! Komaj čakam, da bom te trakove lahko uporabila  za kakšen kos nakita. Jupiiiiii, kar v zrak bi skakala od veselja!!!

Thank you, Lori (again)!! And thank you, Zack (he was the one that picked my name)!!
    Hvala, Lori (spet)!! In hvala tudi tebi, Zack (on je namreč izvlekel moje ime)!!

Wishing a happy day to all of you!
 Tudi vam želim vesel dan!
