It's challenges time for me as in the last two weeks I signed up for more challenges and/or swaps, all international.
Pa je zame spet čas izzivov oziroma izmenjav, saj sem se v zadnjih dveh tednih prijavila kar na tri, vse mednarodne.
With the Polymer Clay Swaps Facebook group (admnistered by Tina Holden) we have just finished our first swap - the Window Ornament Swap (read my post here) - and all of us were already impatient to begin another one. This time the theme is a JOURNAL COVER IN YOUR FAVORITE TECHNIQUE (it's a one to one swap). It can be multi-media but Polymer Clay should be the focus. You and your partner can decide and tell each other your journal size ...
There are still two days to sign up (until 10 September) and the deadline for sending the creation to your partner is 15 October. If you would like to participate - join the FB group, where you can find all the details.
V Facebook skupini Polymer Clay Swaps (ki jo administrira Tina Holden) smo ravnokar zaključili s prvo izmenjavo - Window Ornament Swap (izmenjava okenskih okraskov) - več najdeš tukaj, a smo že vse sodelujoče komaj čakale na naslednjo. Nova tema je NASLOVNICA DNEVNIKA V NAJLJUBŠI TEHNIKI, ki je lahko iz različnih materialov, le da je osnova polimerna glina. Velikost naslovnice določita partnerja v izmenjavi. Prijave so do 10. spetembra, zadnji datum pošiljanja izdelkov pa 15. oktober. Če bi želeli sodelovati, se pridružite FB skupini Polymer Clay Swap, kjer boste dobili vse podrobnejše informacije.
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Examples of journals and covers provided by Tina Holden. Primeri naslovnic in ovitkov, ki jih je posredovala Tina Holden. |
I just could not resist to the invitation of Jen Cameron on her Glass Addictions web site for the ART CHARM BLOG HOP, the theme is laughter. To participate in the charm swap, you must be willing to make enough charms for everyone in your group (including yourself) AND one extra so that a set of charms can be auctioned to benefit Beads of Courage. This means if your group has 10 people, you will make and send a total of 11 charms. One charm is a “donation” to be auctioned off to Beads of Courage. I liked the charitable part and I signed up. All the charms need to be in Jen's hands by October 15 - that means that I need to send them by the end of September as thay need to reach the other part of the ocean (US).
Na spletni strani Jen Cameron Glass Addictions sem zasledila še en izziv, kateremu se tudi nisem mogla upreti. Naslov izziva je ART CHARM BLOG HOP, gre pa za izmenjavo malih umetniških obeskov (primernih za na zapestnico) na temo smeha. Sodelujoči bomo razdeljeni v skupine po 10 in vsak bo moral izdelati po en obesek za vsakega iz skupine ter enega dodatnega, ki bo namenjen dražbi v okviru projekta Beads of Courage, skupaj torej 11 obeskov. Obeski morajo preleteti ocean in prispeti k Jennifer v ZDA do 15. oktobra, kar pomeni, da jih moram poslati najkasneje do konca septembra.
And I'm still not over :-$ ... I'm beginning to learn bead-weaving and Therese from Therese's Treasures with her friend Christine are hosting the A TIME TO STITCH 2 challenge. They offer two stitches to choose from: Right Angle Weave and St. Petersburg. You can choose to do one or both of the stitches. And it is open to first time bead weavers to the advanced bead weavers. The object is to just have fun. There is no pressure to complete a project, just post what you have done at the time of the reveal. And you can find all the tutorials on her site.
It's just perfect for me - no pressure to make something difficult or to finish the piece in time, just learning and having fun! Today is the last day for sign ups and October 25 is the reveal day.
In še ni konec :-$ ... Ker sem se začela učiti šivanja perl, sem dobila odlično priložnost v okviru izziva, ki ga organizira Therese (Therese's Treasures) s prijateljico Christine. Gre za A TIME TO STITCH izziv, ki je primeren tako za začetnike kot za mnogo bolj vešče. Ponujena sta dva vzorca šivov, "Right Angel Weave" in "St. Petersburg" (v slovenščini še ne poznam ustrezne terminologije), med katerima lahko izbereš enega ali oba, na Theresini spletni strani so dostopni tudi tutoriali. Namen izziva je predvsem zabava, zato ni pomembno, da se izdelek dokonča, lahko se objavi tudi nedokončanega. Čas za prijavo je le še danes, razkritja na blogih pa bodo 25. oktobra.
I have to admit I've already started with the Cubic Right Angle Weave and I think I have understood well the logics of the pattern, I can already stitch the beads with no need to look at the tutorial. However, it's quite tricky - you think you've mastered it, but you can quickly make a mistake if you loose the concentration ...
Priznati moram, da sem se že lotila dela, in sicer sem začela s spoznavanjem vzorca Cubic Right Angle Weave. Zdi se mi, da sem razumela logiko šivanja in kar osvojila tehniko, vendar pa je pri šivanju perlic potrebna dobra koncentracija, saj se lahko mimogrede "zašiješ" ...
Am I exagerating with all this challenges? Well, maybe I am. Definitely I need to hold back for a while ... and don't sign up for another one until I'm done with at least two of these.
Hm, mogoče kar malo pretiravam z vsemi temi izzivi ... časa za ustvarjanje namreč nimam veliko. Se bom morala kar precej zadrževati v prihodnje s prijavljanjem na nove, vsaj dokler ne dokončam dva od prijavljenih izzivov.
Have fun and do what you love,
Uživajte in vzemite si čas za tisto, kar radi počnete,
Hi Alenka,
You sound like me I have a tenancy to sign up for lots of challenges and they turn out to all be due around the same time. Thank you for the shout out about mine and Christine's challenge. I am so glad that you have picked up CRAW. The concentration thing goes for all the stitches. It is so easy to make a mistake if you are not paying attention.
Hi Alenka! I am so excited you are signed up for A Time To StitchI. And I am impressed with all your challenges! I usually sign for as many as I can,, however, right now I am in the midst of creating lots of gifts for birthdays and such so I decided to lay low... However I am signed up for the time to stitch challenge!
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