Just as my friend Amy said, I was bitten by the weaving bug ;-) I know, the deadlines for the polymer projects are much earlier than the beading one, but I just can't stop beadweaving. Well, there are several reasons:
1. I like beadweaving very much, but I like polymer clay as well;
2. In the same moment I sit by my polymer clay table and touch some polymer, two pairs of little hands are doing the same - on my table and with my polymer! I think everybody agree it is not very easy to work this way ...;
3. I need less tools for beadweaving and it's much easier to carry it around ... for example to fill the waiting time while cooking (when you can not leave the kitchen, but you have to wait for several minutes and check the pots from time to time);
4. You don't need to cure beads and you don't need to sand them ;-)
Kot je že Amy komentirala, izgleda, da me je okužil virus šivanja perlic ;-) Sicer sta roka za oddajo drugih dveh projektov bistveno bližja, vendar me še naprej kar vleče k šivanju perlic. V bistvu je več razlogov, zakaj je tako:
1. Preprosto, ker uživam v tem - čeprav ravno tako uživam tudi pri izdelovanju iz polimerne gline;
2. v trenutku, ko sedem za svojo delovno mizo in primem v roke polimerno glino, se poleg mojih pojavita še dva para malih rok, ki grabita mojo maso in moje orodje. Prepričana sem, da se strinjate, da v takih razmerah delo ni prav lahko ...;
3. Zašivanje perl potrebujem manj orodja, poleg tega pa "delovno površino" bistveno lažje prenašam naokoli - na primer v kuhinjo, da zapolnim čakalni čas med kuhanjem (ko ne smem zapustiti kuhinje, da se mi kaj ne zažge, a je potrebno le vsake toliko preveriti stanje v loncih na štedilniku);
4. Pri šivanju perl ne potrebujemo pečenja in niti brušenja ;-)
Let's go back to the A Time to Stitch 2 challenge! I have already "learned" the CRAW (Cubic Right Angle Weave) and the RAW (Right Angle Weave) and yesterday I've decided it's time to learn also the last stitch - St. Petersburg. It was quite easy to get the logics of the pattern and memorize it, but the most difficult thing this time for me was to keep the right tension of the thread. And keeping the thread from knotting itself. Usually it happens just in the worst moment, when you absolutely don't need it :-$.
Pa se vrnimo k izzivu A Time to Stitch 2! Do sedaj sem se že "naučila" dva vzorca: (Cubic Right Angle Weave) and the RAW (Right Angle Weave), včeraj pa sem se lotila še zadnjega, to je St. Petersburg. Logiko šivanja sem kar hitro osvojila in po dveh ogledih tutoriala že šivam na pamet, največje težave pa mi dela ustrezno zategovanje niti. In seveda doseči, da se mi nit ne vozla. Seveda se ponavadi to zgodi v najslabšem trenutku, ko si tega res ne želiš :-$.
Here's the video tutorial, borrowed from Therese's blog:
To pa je tutorial za St. Petersburg, ki sem si ga sposodila iz Theresinega bloga:
I can still not show you anything, have to wait for the reveal day ;-)
Na žalost vam izdelkov še ne smem pokazati, ker moram počakati na dan razritja, ko boste lahko občudovali tudi izdelke vseh ostalih sodelujočih v izzivu ;-)
Happy Sunday!
Veselo nedeljo vam želim, kar je je še ostalo.
Hi Alenka,
I am so glad to have you among the ranks of bead weavers and so glad that you have picked up a stitch that to some is very difficult to do, RAW and CRAW. St. Petersburg is a wonderful and versatile stitch but you do have to mind the tension. I am so looking forward to seeing what you have created. October 25th will be here before you know it, so hang tight.
Alenka! I'm loving your new love of bead weaving! I used to have an addiction to St. Petersburg stitch. But RAW is awesome - I am excited for this Time To Stitch challenge and have lots of ideas brewing. You are so right about bead weaving being so portable. I always have several trays around the house of all the projects I'm working on! Can't wait to see where this takes you!
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