I'm back home after a week of vacation in Croatia - and it was also a week of vacation from creating. I've brought with me a lot of seed beads, but never took any of them from my travel bag ...
Po tednu dopusta na Hrvaškem sem spet doma. Pravzaprav je bil to tudi dopust od ustvarjanja, saj so moje perlice ostale kar v potovalki ...
I'm happy I can finally share with you today my swap items for the FB International Polymer Clay Swap group, well at least the part I created for my swap partner Tina Holden, because she has already received my package. Yes, this time I was paired with the hostess itself and I could not have disappointed her!!! I'm not saying I don't give the best I can every time I make a swap item, I certainly do! It's just that the feeling is a bit different when you make something for a person who's work you admire.
Veseli pa me, da vam lahko danes končno pokažem, kaj sem izdelala za mojo partnerico Tino Holden v mednarodni izmenjavi FB skupine International Polymer Clay Swaps, saj je ona moj paketek že dobila. To je bil zame še poseben swap, saj Tinino delo občudujem in sem si še toliko bolj želela narediti nekaj, kar ji bo zares všeč. To pa še ne pomeni, da se v drugih swapih ne potrudim maksimalno - vedno dam vse od sebe!
The theme of the swap was fantasy vessels. Never made one before ... At the beginning I was even not totally aware what a vessel was!! Well, the instructions were clear:
Tokratna tema swapa je bila v polimerno glino oblečena posoda na fantazijsko temo. Česa takega nisem do sedaj nikoli naredila, na začetku nisem vedela niti, kaj "vessel" dejansko pomeni. A navodila so bila dovolj jasna, da sem se tudi tukaj znašla (mislim, da ni potrebe, da bi jih prevedla).
Fantasy Vessel: a container of sorts...your interpretation of
Fantasy, whether it involves sculpting, caning or other technique as
long as it is a 'container'. This may include covering a tin such as an
Altoid or other metal tin or your own box made from multi-media
(example: matchbox or necklace locket) or a base made from polymer clay,
then covered with clay. Box may have hinges, screw cap, snap lid etc.
Should be no larger than a covered Altoid, but no smaller than a match
box and may or may not involve a metal tin as long as it is 'sturdy'.
sizes here are for large and small Altoid tins (some countries may not
have those but perhaps something similar)...measurements for a large
altoid would be 4 x 2.5 x 1 inch (10x6x2cm) and the small 2.5x1.5x.75in
(6x4x1.5cm) . Of course if they vary a bit outside of that and thicker
or thinner, that's totally ok, but you may want to consider mailing
Decorate with things from your imagination -
dragons, fairies, flowers, space items (sun, moon, stars, planets,
galaxies, etc.), steampunk, etc. As we say, "the sky's the limit!"
(borrowed from the swap rules)
They don't sell Altoid here in Slovenia, but I have found they have some candies in metal tins. It is not exactly the size indicated in the rules above, but I was sure it would be ok.
Pri nas še nisem zasledila Altoid pločevink (baje so to bomboni), a sem vseeno našla eno pločevinasto škatlico z bomboni. Njene mere niso bile ravno v skladu z napotki, vendar sem bila prepričana, da bo vseeno v redu.
Tina likes fierce dragons, sea serpents, mermaids and anything to do with
the oceans. So something about the sea let it be! At first I was thinking about a mermaid, but I was not sure I am capable of making a human face ... However, the idea about a sea serpent kept coming in my mind, persistently. I've browsed to see some pictures or drawings, used some details from one or another and then tried with my first ever sculpting of a figure.
Tini so všeč krvoločni zmaji, morski zmaji, morske deklice in vse, kar je povezano z oceani, Torej naj bo nekaj morskega! Na začetku sem razmišljala o morski deklici, a nisem bila prepričana o svojih sposobnostih izdelave človeškega obraza ... Po drugi strani se mi je vedno pogosteje vrivala v misli ideja o morskem zmaju. Malo sem "poguglala", da vidim kakšne slikce ali risbe morskih zmajev, tu pa tam pobrala kakšno podrobnost, ki mi je bila všeč in se lotila mojega prvega kiparskega podviga.
Too much talking? You want to see the pictures? Ok, ok, here they are! I will not describe the single parts of it, but I'll be happy to answer to your questions - if you have any, just write a comment.
Je že preveč besed? Bi želeli videti slike? Ok, ok, tukaj so! Ne bom opisovala podrobnosti, vendar vam bom z veseljem odgovorila na vprašanja, če jih boste postavili v komentarjih.
These are my fantasy vessel ...
To sta moja fantazijska šatulja ...
... and the twinchie for Tina.
... in ploščica za Tino.
If you want to know what has Tina made for me, you will have to come back later as I still haven't received her package.
Če vas zanima, kaj je Tina naredila zame, bo treba še malo potrpljenja, ker njenega paketka še nisem dobila.
So, what do you think about my first ever attempt at sculpting?
No, kaj torej menite o mojem prvem poskusu kiparjenja?
Wow, this is a gorgeous pair of designs, Alenka... I have always wanted to do a little sculpting, but lacking talent... I'm sure Tina must be thrilled with her gift!
AMAZING!!! For your first time sculpting?! WOW!
I love dragons. You did an outstanding job. :)
The twinchie is cool, too.
Wow, your sculpting is awesome. You don't have anything to worry about as far as making clay, your work is always so gorgeous.
Hi Alenka, Your vessel is wonderful. You can be very proud of your sea serpent.I have been following your blog since I found you and after seeing many beautiful creations you have make with clay I am sure you could do a human face too.
Your sea serpent vessel is amazing!
That is very pretty. I think you did a great job. Doesn't look like it's your first one. Your work is gorgeous. Just saw the piece you sent Sue Beads for your blog hop. Can't wait to see what she does with it.
Love what you made. I think you are very talented.
Love what you made. I think you are very talented.
That is over the top amazing. Bravo!!!
Just stopped by to share my post and say THANKS for the gorgeous pendant. I hope to do you proud on the 11th. http://lilmummylikes.blogspot.jp/2013/07/pepitas-blogoversary-giveaway.html
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