Let me first explain that we are living one the Slovenian coast near the Adriatic sea, where the winters are mild with no snow, usually. When I was younger it snowed once in let's say 10 years, but now it's more like once in 3 years. And if you're 6 years old living here, it really doesn't happen often to see a snowy landscape through the window, but you like the snow and can't wait to play in it.
Glede na to, da živimo na slovenski Obali, se ne znajdemo pogosto v zasneženi pokrajini, če se ne zapeljemo malo bolj v notranjost. Ko sem bila mlajša, se je sneženje zgodilo enkrat na 10 let (vsaj tako se spominjam), zdaj pa približno vsaka tri leta. In če si star 6 let in živiš na Obali, pogleda na belo pokrajino res nisi pogosto doživel, čeprav komaj čakaš, da se boš spet valjal po snegu.
Well, my bigger little boy received the best birthday gift ever this year. On his 6th birthday he woke up and all around it was white. Snow, snow, snoooow!!! At least 20 cm (8 in) of snow!!!
No, moj starejši fantič je letos prejel najlepše darilo za rojstni dan, ki ga ni mogoče ne naročiti ne kupiti. Na jutro 6. rojstnega dne se je zbudil in vse naokoli je bilo belo. Sneg, sneg sneeeg!!! Vsaj 20 cm snega!!!
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Yesterday morning / Včerajšnje jutro |
I don't need to explain that the boys were immediately outside and enjoying this beautiful gift from the Nature! Can you see all those footprints in the snow? Guess who made them ;-)
Ni mi treba razlagati, da sta bila oba tamala takoj zunaj in uživala v tem čudovitem darilu Matere Narave. Saj lahko vidite vse te stopinje v snegu? Uganite, čigave so ;-)
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Today / Danes |
Še par utrinkov ...
I don't think we'll be so happy tomorrow early in the morning going to school/office if the snow dissolves today and the water freezes on the road during the night ... But this will be another story, let's enjoy this sunny day today!
Nisem ravno prepričana, da bomo jutri zgodaj zjutraj na poti v šolo/službo enako veseli, če se bo danes sneg stopil in bo ponoči voda zamrznila na cestišču ... A to je že druga zgodba, zato uživajmo v današnjem sončnem dnevu!
1 comment:
What a great birthday gift for your son! And a beautiful surprise for all of you :-)
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