... in še eden ... Tako je, danes je moj 40. rojstni dan! Pa-pa, trideseta ...
Well, I'm not sure how I feel about it. A little strange maybe. The time is passing so quickly, but I feel the same for at least last ten years. So let's celebrate the life today, all the happy, unforgettable moments it gives to us!!!
Ne vem točno, kako se počutim ob tem dejstvu. Mogoče malo čudno. Čas kar beži, sama pa se počutim približno enako kot pred desetimi leti. Torej - naj bo današnji dan namenjen praznovanju življenja, vseh tistih veselih, nepozabnih trenutkov, ki nam jih podari.
As the creativity is an important part of my life I've decided to party all week. AND YOU ARE ALL INVITED!
Glede na to, da je ustvarjalnost pomemben del mojega življenja, sem se odločila, da bom praznovala kar ves teden. IN VSI STE POVABLJENI!
Over the next seven days there will be a lot of happening on my blog: a giveaway, the opening of my Etsy shop (with another giveaway) and more, beginning today with a collaboration with Amy of Amybeads (my partner from the last round of Bead Soup Blog Party):
V naslednjem tednu bo kar nekaj dogajanja na mojem blogu: nagradna igra, otvoritev moje Etsy trgovinice (z nagradico za nekoga) in še več. začeli pa bomo kar danes. Z Amy (Amybeads), s katero sva bili partnerici v lanskoletnem Bead Soup Blog Party-ju, sva sodelovali pri izzivu 2nd Annual Spring Fling Kit Challenge!
I have created the dragonfly focal for the challenge and she completed the kit with different beads.
Za izziv sem izdelala ploščice s kačjimi pastirji, Amy pa je sestavila komplete za izziv z različnimi perlami.
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All the focals together ... / Vsi kačji pastirji na kupu ... |
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... and the single kit. / ... in posamezen komplet. |
The reveal day will be on April 20 and if you are interested to get one of this kits and participate, please go to Amy's blog to find all the details about it.
Razkritje izdelkov in njihova objava na blogu bo 20. aprila in če bi želeli sodelovati, vas vabim na Amy-jin blog, kjer dobite vse podrobnosti.
Be happy and stay tuned!
Bodte veseli in na vezi!
Happy birthday, Alenka! You know the saying: the best is yet to come. Keep looking forward and keep creating!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Sicer z zamudo, ampak VSE NAJBOLJŠE!!
Hope you had a wonderful birthday and welcome to the 40s! :)
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