Tako je, moja zadnja partnerica v mednarodni izmenjavi izdelkov iz polimerne gline prihaja z Japonske - to je Chieko Sasaki, ki ustvarja pod imenom MINA Creations!
Chieko lives in the central Tokyo, Japan, with her hubby and six birds. She is a certified FIMO instructor/artist and teaches miniatures at a major handicraft store in Tokyo called Tokyu Hands once a month. She is also a certified metal clay artist/instructor of PMC (MITSUBISHI precious metal clay) and a practitioner of Findohorn flower essences. How cool is that!!!
Chieko živi v osrednjem Tokiu z možem in šestimi pticami. Je certificirana inštruktorica/ustvarjalka ter enkrat mesečno poučuje izdelovanje miniatur v največji trgovini z ustvarjalnim materialom v Tokiu. Poleg tega ima certifikat tudi za dragocene metalne gline (precious metal clay) in se ukvarja s Findohorn cvetličnimi esencami.
We decided to swap a set of jewelry - a necklace, a bracelet and earrings.
Odločili sva se za izmenjavo kompleta nakita, in sicer ogrlice, zapestnice in uhanov.
Let me first show you what I've made for Chieko.
Naj vam najprej pokažem, kaj sem sama naredila za Chieko.
Chieko likes autumn colors, so do I, and as the autumn was just around the corner, I've decided to use yellow-orange + bronze palette. I used my currently favorite techniques - the combination of Hellen Breil's Shapes and Cosmic Ceramic of Iris Mishly & Hila Bushari, all combined my way.
Chieko so všeč jesenske barve, ravno tako kot meni, in ker se je jesen hitro bližala, sem se odločila za rumeno-oranžne odtenke v kombinaciji z bronasto. Uporabila sem trenutno najljubšo kombinacijo tehnik, to je Shapes od Hellen Breil in Cosmic Ceramic od Iris Mishly & Hile Bushari, skombinirano malo po moje.
The necklace I made for Chieko / Ogrlica, ki sem jo izdelala za Chieko |
The earrings for Chieko / Uhani za Chieko |
The bracelet with the infinity symbol / Zapestnica s simbolom neskončnosti |
The twinchie using the same texturing and coloring techniques / Ploščica, za katero sem uporabila isti tehniki teksture in barvanja |
I was a little late sending out my swap items for Chieko, so I've decided to send to her a little extra gift to apologize for the delay. I've decided for something related to the place I live - the Sečovlje saltpans:
Ker sem tokrat malo zamujala s pošiljanjem paketka za Chieko, sem se odločila, da dodam še dodatno darilce v opravičilo. Izbrala sem nekaj, kar je povezano s krajem, v katerem živim, to so Sečoveljske soline:
A wooden spoon for salt and Grandma's Recipes cooking book / Lesena žlica za sol in knjižica z recepti stare mame |
And here is what I have received from Chieko:
Tukaj pa vam predstavljam, kaj je Chieko izdelala zame:
The necklace Chieko made for me / Ogrlica, ki jo je Chieko naredila zame |
Earrings from Chieko / Uhani od Chieko |
Bracelet from Chieko / Zapestnica od Chieko |
Chieko included even a ring / Chieko je dodala celo prstan |
and not one, but two beautiful twinchies / in celo dve ploščici |
The beads look like glass and not polymer!! And have you seen her food miniatures??!! They are perfect in each detail!!!
Njene perle izgledajo kot steklo in ne polimerna glina!! In ste videli njene miniature hrane??!! Perfektne so v vsaki področbnosti!!!
Thank you, Chieko, for being my partner in this swap! I've enjoyed every moment of it and I'm happy to have a new polymer friend in Japan.
Najlepša hvala, Chieko, da si bila moja partnerica v tej izmenjavi! Uživala sem v sakem trenutku in sem zelo vesela, da imam novo kolegico na Japonskem.
Be happy,
Bodite veseli,
what a fun post Alenka! I am in love with that necklace you sent to Chieko! Love the colors, and love the design - really like the added wrap around the polymer! Those minitures from Chieko are so sweet! what fun those would be to bead bezel with!
Oh my goodness! What amazing talent demonstrated from both of you! You both seem to love citrus colors and use them so attractively in your work! I'm so drawn to the colors and designs here, I know I personally would love to wear any piece shown here! What a great swap--thanks for sharing the photos and story!
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