April 27, 2013

7th Bead Soup Blog Party 3rd Reveal - Here I am!

  A warm welcome to my reveal of the 7th Bead Soup Blog Party! It's my second time participating in this huge project organized by the one and only Lori Anderson. Thank you Lori for giving us all this!

  My partner in this party was Birgit Klughardt of GitesBeads from Berlin in Germany. We've had a little troubled beginning as my package with the bead soup for her got lost (and then magically appeared after a month), but we've managed to work it out well. Let me remind you what she sent to me:

  As you can see - a bright and very challenging bead soup! I've made five pieces of jewellery and still have some beads left. Be prepared to see a lot of orange!!! 

  The first part of the soup I started to work on was the gorgeous bead-embroidered pendant. It has so many details and it's so rich by itself, so I wanted to keep the other parts quite simple. And it called beadweaving to me so loudly I couldn't go fo a different approach. I had some very hard moments with it and tried several options, but then finally decided for this (click on the pictures to enlarge):

   I have used the green spacers and the green butterfly seed beads from Gite's soup as well and made two faux turquoise triangles from polymer clay. The orange seed beads were from my stash.

   When I've seen the lampwork flowers for the first time I knew I would use them to make earrings. So I did.

  I've strung some butterfly seed beads on a memory wire, made eyepins and leaves from polymer clay and assembled all togehter. I've also put some transparent green seed beads between the leaves to make them more prominent lying apart one from another and not just fall down vertically.

   I've played with the beaded beads, cellini spirals and ruffles for quite a long time changing their use for several times, but at the end they found their place in another two pairs of earrings.

and the last one

   There was still the beautiful clasp waiting to be used - for a necklace or a bracelet? I've had two pieces in mind, but at the end I've made only one:

    The "open your heart" pendant was made by me from polymer clay, just as the large hole beads. The charm on the zipper is one of the beaded beads from the soup (I keep wondering how is it possible for Gite to stitch such small beads!!!).
  I've combined the white ribbon with light orange cotton cord, making macrame knots around it for a more bohemian style.

    I've had an issue with my left eye for the last two weeks and couldn't work much, but I'm pleased with the results. Hope you leave a comment and let me know what do you think about.

  To remind you what I have sent to my partner Gite:
 Please go to see what she has made - by clicking here.

 And then you are invited to visit the blogs of the other participants in the third reveal of this party - the complete list with the links is available here.

  Be happy and enjoy hopping,

April 26, 2013

Giveaway Winners Update

  Do you remember my Giveaway? I've randomly picked three winners, but I was not able to contact the first winner - Vicky Cederquist (and this was one of the rules).

  That means Kepi had the opportunity to choose between all the three prizes - and she choosed the BEAD SOUP (prize A).

  Cynthia of Antiquity Travelers (the next winner) wanted to be surprised, so the SECRECT GIFT (prize C) is for her.

  I'm still left with one of the gifts I wanted to give away - the LITTLE OWL (prize B). I've put again the names of those who commented in the jar ...


and the winner is:




Tomorrow is the 3rd reveal of the 7th Bead Soup Blog Party and it's also the reveal of my partner Gite and me ... I'm still working on the last two pieces, have to take the pictures and write the post, but I'll be ready in time.

I'm sure you don't want to miss all the beauties that over 200 participants out of a total of 541 have made, so I'm waiting for you tomorrow.

Be happy,

April 20, 2013

2nd Annual Spring Fling Kit Challenge Reveal

  A project which started for me last summer, is finally at the peak moment - the reveal. In fact the most interesting part for me is not to show what I have made, but to see what other artists have created with my dragonfly focal and the coordinated beads chosen by my friend and the hostess of this blog hop Amy.

The Spring Fling Kit

  I have to admit it was not so easy for me to make a necklace with these beads, even if the focal was created by me. I wanted to make something special, but I just kept looking at the kit ... waiting in vane for a lightbulb to appear.
  Well, from last Saturday something did appear in front of my left eye and did not leave from then. Because of bleeding related to vitreous detachment some kind of sand and thread-like particles are constantly dancing in front of my eye (to be more exact, they are dancing inside my eye's vitreous, but I see them as they are in front of it). There should have been a mistake in processing my wishes as I'm 100% sure that that was not the lightbulb I wanted!!! :-$

  Let's go back to the reveal!
  I've finally decided I want to bezel the focal using peyote stitch. It was my very first time bezeling so all beaders, please be indulgent ...

 For my eye situation I was not able to beadweave the other part of the necklace, so I opted for stringing. Simple, right? Not at all!!! This is (at least) the seventh variation and now I finaly think it's kind of working ... 

  ... in fact I like it ... :-D

  Thank you Amy for this opportunity to collaborate with you in this project. It was great and I've had a really good time. And the best part is still waiting for me - going to see what the other participants have made:

Amy • Amybeads
Maryanne • Zingala's Workshop
Therese • Therese's Treasures
Tanya • A Work in Progress
Kepi • A Little of This, A Little of That
Beti •Stringing Fool
Dolores • Crafty D's Creations
Jenny • Wonder and Whimsy
Cynthia • Created Treasures
Mowse • Mowse Made This
Carolyn • Carolyn's Creations

Be happy!

April 14, 2013

And the Winners are ....

  It's time to draw the winners of my giveaway. There are all international participants, so I'll write in English only.

  Thirteen (13) nice people left a comment under the post and three (3) will win one of the prizes. Have I already told you that 13 is one of my lucky numbers? Well, it is.
  I'm so happy to see some new names and some already known as well. Thank you for letting me know this way you like my work.

  Let me remind you the procedure:
  The prizes are:
A - a mix of polymer clay beads handnade by me
B - a little owl
C - a secret gift

The first winner will have the opportunity to choose between all the prizes,
the second winner will choose between the two prizes left
and the third winner will receive the last prize.

  I have a problem with my left eye, so I'll make it short. I wanted to do it "the old way" this time (no random number generator):


  Drums, please!!!


The first winner is:


The second winner is:


And the THIRD winner is:

I'll contact you by e-mail for your choices and addresses!

Be happy,

April 7, 2013

Giveaway!!! / Nagradna igra!!!

  Welcome to my second giveaway on my blog!!! 
Dobrodošli na moji drugi "obdaritvi" (nagradni igri) na mojem blogu!!!

  This time we will have 3 prizes (A, B and C) and 3 winners, but will be a little different than previous:
     - the first winner will have the opportunity to chose one prize between all the three prizes,
     - the second winner will chose between the two other prizes
     - and the third winner will receive the last (but not least) prize.

  Tudi tokrat bom podarila tri nagradice (A, B in C) trem zmagovalcem/kam, vendar nekoliko drugače:
      - prvi izžrebani bo lahko izbiral med vsemi tremi nagradami;
      - drugi bo lahko izbiral med ostalima dvema,
      - tretji pa bo dobil nagrado, ki bo ostala.

   Let's see the prizes:
   Pa poglejmo nagrade:


 A bead soup - some of my beads, made from polymer clay
"Župca iz perl" - nekaj mojih sestavnih delov za nakit iz polimerne gline


 One of my little owl pendants - the winner will chose the colour
(faux turquoise, orange or light green)
Eno od mojih malih sovic (obesek) - izžrebanec/ka bo lahko izbrala barvo ("falš" turkiz, oranžno ali svetlo zeleno)


 A secret gift
Skrivnostno darilo

Now the RULES:
1. You have to be a follower of this blog.
2. To participate in the draw you have to leave a comment under this post. You can write the first and the second choice, but it's optional. I'll convo the winners to make a final decision after the draw. 
3. Make sure I will be able to get in contact with you (e-mail) IF you are the winner.
4. The giveaway ends Sunday, 14th April at 6 a.m. CET. The winners will be drawn the same day.  

Sedaj pa še PRAVILA za sodelovanje:
1. Spremljati morate moj blog.
2. Za sodelovanje v žrebu morate pustiti komentar pod to objavo. Lahko navedete tudi prvo in drugo izbiro, vendar ni nujno. Izžrebane bom v vsakem primeru kontaktirala glede želja.
3. Poskrbite, da vas bom lahko kontaktirala (e-mail), če boste zmagali.
4. Nagradna igra se zaključi v nedeljo, 14. aprila ob 6. uri zjutraj. Zmagovalci bodo izžrebani še isti dan.

Ok, that's it! Just go and leave a comment!
To je to! Zdaj pa hitro napišite komentar!

Wishing you luck!


April 6, 2013

Working on .../ Delam ...

  First, I would like to tell you the story of a bangle I've started making a year and a half ago, when I was making my very first steps of working with polymer clay, and finished today.
  Najprej bi vam rada predstavila zgodbico te zapestnice, ki sem jo začela delati pred letom in pol, ko sem se komaj začela spoznavati s polimerno glino, in jo končala danes.

  One of the first books about polymer clay I've bought was Julie Picarello's Patterns in Polymer. I was admiring her beautiful work and tried mokume gane technique by myself. Well, some of the veneers I've made were not very nice and finished in the scrap pile, but some of them I liked very much and I still do. And this was one of them. I've decided to make a bangle, but have never finished it ... until today.
  Edna od prvih knjig o delu s polimerno glino, ki sem si jo privoščila, je bila Patterns in Polymer avtorice Julie Picarello. Njene izdelke sem občudovala in se odločila, da se tudi sama spoprimem s tehniko "mokume gane". Nekateri prvi poskusi so končali na odpadnem kupu, nekateri pa so mi kar lepo uspeli in so mi še sedaj všeč. Eden od takih je ta, ki sem ga uporabila za nedokončano zapestnico ... ki je danes le dobila končno obliko.

  After sanding and buffing it I've foud some imperfections, so I can not sell it, but I'm sure I'll find somebody that will be happy to wear it. Along with my 182 cm (5' 12'') Mother Nature gave me also big hands and I can not put it on, even if it's a little flexible.
  Po brušenju in poliranju so se pokazale nekatere nepopolnosti, torej ni za prodajo, a sem prepričana, da se bo našla dušica, ki jo bo rada nosila. Pri mojih 182 cm so tudi roke/dlani XL formata, zato je zame preozka - drugače bi jo namreč kar sama obdržala.


  I'm currently working on "different fronts", have several pieces in progress for several challenges and swaps, so I can not show you anything yet.
  Kar se tiče izdelkov, sem trenutno vpeta kar na več frontah, saj sodelujem na kar nekaj izzivih in izmenjavah, a tega vam še ne smem pokazati.

  As a reminder for me and an invite for you I want to list all the events here:
  Kot opomnik zase in tudi kot vabilo za vas bom sedaj naštela vse roke objave oz. oddaje:

April 20 -  7th Bead Soup Blog Party, Third Reveal

The third reveal of the BSBP was postponed for a week, so my partner Gite and I will have a little more time to make our pieces.
  Objava izdelkov za tretjo skupino BSBP je bila prestavljena na 20. april, kar bo Gite in meni dalo malo več časa za dokončanje izdelkov. 


April 20 -  2nd Annual Spring Fling Kit Challenge

The hostess of the challenge is my friend Amy and the dragonfly focals were made by me.
  Gostiteljica izziva je Amy, obeske s kačjim pastirjem za izziv pa sem izdelala jaz.


April 25 -  Kitty & Pepita Exchange Reveal 

Kitty and I exchanged a kind of bead soups as an (Slovenian) extension of the Bead Soup Blog Party we both participate in. We both work with polymer clay, but have so different styles that it will be a real challenge.
  S Kitty sva si izmenjali "župco" perl in koščkov iz polimerne gline, kot nekakšen slovenski podaljšek Bead Soup Blog Party-ja. Najina stila sta tako različna, da bo to res zanimiv izziv.

April 25 -  Pen and Twinchie International Polymer Clay Swap
It's time for another swap for the Facebook Polymer Clay Swaps group, pen and twinchies this time. The sign ups closed yesterday and we will know who our partner is Monday. The swap items have to be mailed out by April 25.
  Nova izmenjava Facebook skupine Polymer Clay Swaps je namenjena svinčnikom in twinchijem (kvadratne ploščice s stranico 5cm). Prijave so se zaključile včeraj, v ponedeljek izvemo, kdo so naši partnerji, rok za odpošiljanje izdelkov pa je 25. april.


May 15 -  A Time to Stitch 3

Therese and Christine postponed the reveal to May 15, to not be on the same day as the third reveal of the BSBP. I'm so glad they did, so I'll have more time to make my pieces for the reveal.
Therese and Christine sta prestavili objavo izdelkov na 15. maj, da se ne prekriva s tretjo skupino BSBP. Meni to popolnoma ustreza, ker bom imela tako več časa za dokončanje izdelkov. 

I think this is it for now. As you can see, I'm gonna be very busy for more weeks ...
Mislim, da nisem pozabila nobenega izziva in da so to zaenkrat vsi. Kot vidite, bom v nalsednjih tednih zelooo zaposlena ... 


And if you didn't gave up and are still reading - I have a pleasure to announce
In če niste medtem obupali in še vedno berete, vam sporočam, da lahko pričakujete


on this blog
na tem blogu


(I owe you the one I've planned for my birthday in February, but got the flu)
(dolgujem vam jo še na račun mojega rojstnega dneva, ki jo je preprečila gripa)

Be happy,
Bodite veseli,