My partner in this party is Amy Severino from USA and she sent me an interesting bead soup - just to remember here it is:
As I've explained in my first BSBP post, the biggest challenge for me was working with such small beads. I've created jewellery mostly from polymer clay until now, and never tried beadweaving ...
I've done some sketches few days after receiving the bead soup, but have begun to really work on the pieces only last weekend. In the meantime all the work was proceeding in my mind ...
I knew I want to use the focal and the Mother-of Pearl disc beads for a necklace, but I wanted to add some brightness with a touch of orange (do you remember that little seed bead that accidentally fell into the package?) I still have no experience with simple stringing and I prefered some wire work ... But let's see the first piece!
I didn't want to leave the focal as it was so I made a ring from czech fire polish beads and added three blue dyed Mother-of Pearl rice beads:
The rest of blue rice beads were used for a "flower" that changes its shape every time the necklace is worn as the beads are moving and turning in different positions:
I wanted the necklace to be asymmetric and to use a ribbon - and guess what - I was so lucky to find a fabric with the exactly the same shade of blue as the focal is!!! On one end I made a simple knot, on the other I waved around it some wire with an orange bead on each side. I'm not sure this is the arrangemet I like most, so it might happen to change something later:
This is a totally "out of my comfort zone" piece and I was enjoying the creation process very much!!! Hope you like the final result.
The second piece is a bracelet - yes, exactly that one from the teaser of my previous post. The brass imprinted beads (with small suns) are surrounded with textured polymer clay rings made by me. The texture on the rings represent the sun rays spreading from the inner sun-beads. I added also some orange seed beads inside the rings and the brown glass pearls from my soup outside of them. The clasp is made by two eye-pins wire-wrapped together. Well, this was pure improvisation - I made a clasp from polymer clay, but while assembling the beads together and trying it on my wrist I realized it won't work ... As I did not have any bronze wire, I played a little with the eye-pins ...
I love orange and this bracelet is totally me!!!
A little closer look:
Yes, I've used that same eye-pins also to assemble the beads together :-)
As I was left with two more polymer rings I made also a matching a pair of earrings (my third piece):
From the soup I received I've used the focal, the clasp and all different type of beads, but not all of them. Some of the brass imprinted beads, brown glass pearls and czech fire polish beads will be waiting in my stash for the next occasion.
This is all from me, but please check first what my partner Amy made with the bead soup I sent to her. And if you still have some free time and are curious (as I absolutely am) about the creations of the other artists participating in the 2nd reveal of the Bead Soup Blog Partly you can find all the contacts on Lori's blog here.
Čas kar beži in že je prišel čas za drugi krog Bead Soup Blog Party-ja, ki ga že šestič po vrsti organizira Lori Anderson. V tem krogu sodelujem tudi jaz s svojimi izdelki, ki jih lahko vidite zgoraj:
- Prvi izdelek je ogrlica, za katero sem uporabila obesek, zaponko in večino perl, ki sem jih dobila v "župci" od Amy. Dodala sem še oranžne perlice, da s kančkom modri kontrastne barve popestrim izdelek, in trak v istem odtenku, kot je obesek. Ta izdelek je povsem izven mojega "območja udobja", torej nekaj, kar običajno ne delam, tako da je zame glavni izziv tega party-ja.
- Drugi izdelek je zapestnica, v kateri sem uporabila male perle z vtisnjenimi sončki, ki sem jih obdala z rinkami iz polimerne gline, ki sem jih sama izdelala. Tekstura na rinkah predstavlja sončne žarke, ki se širijo iz sredinske perle. Znotraj rink so še oranžne, izven rink pa rjave perlice, skupaj so povezane z bronasto žico, iz katere je izdelana tudi zaponka. Oranžn barvo obožujem, zato je ta zapestnica prav v mojem stilu!!
- Na koncu sta mi ostali še dve oranžni rinki, ki sem jih seveda uporabila za par uhanov, ki se ujemajo z zapestnico.
Zdaj pa si lahko ogledate še, kaj je naredila Amy iz "župce", ki jo je dobila od mene; in seveda tudi, kaj so ustvarile vse ostale priden roke sodelujočih v tem izzivu. Kozarec sveže pijače v roko in malo virtuanega sprehoda - seznam s povezavami dobite tukaj.
Bright funky and so lovely Love and hugs Tanya
Beautiful pieces.
I love the necklace colours ,very soft
I love your polymer clay sunray rings. Very interesting! The necklace has many interesting details too.
Very beautiful creations. I love how you surrounded the dragonfly focal with beads. Well done!
Love your asymmetric necklace! Beautiful work!
Lovely! I really like the necklace, the ribbon, and the way you put the beads and focal together! BlueAntiquities
Good job and I love the focal.
Agata Grygiel
Amazing colours and detailing, love how you did the focal
That first necklace is quite the stunner! It may have been out of your comfort zone, but I think you did an incredible job with it incorporating so many different techniques into the process; it adds a lot of depth and dimension :)
And the bracelet and earrings are so colorful!
Happy Hopping :)
Another Slovene in the soup, how cool is that :-D
love your work, especially the orange bracelet.
This necklace is really very, very inventive!!!! Regards from Poland, Dorota
Nice job. I like that you designed on paper first..something I tell myself to do..and then don't! I like the "flower' you added to the necklace, pretty.
Love the orange clay sun inspired rings you made. The necklace is beautiful too. I love the seed beaded wire components!!!
Your bracelet and earrings made me smile :-). The colours are so cheery and bright and what lovely polymer clay rings! You did a great job working with the small beads - I like how the necklace has so many different details that deserve attention.
I love so many of the little elements you put into that necklace :) Those little links with the bar of seed beads in the center, the little wrap holding your silk, that little blue rice pearl flower ! All of it so pretty :) And the orange set is just so vibrant :)
Lovely pieces! The necklase id beautiful, I love how you have framed the focal!
You made it so well with the small beads! I love how you draw the focus to the pendant with the 'halo'! And, I adore the lovely, lovely blue silk in your designs :-D
Love your designs .
Each one is so Cheerful !
Great color palette!
Delicious Soup !
m.e. :)
WOw, wow, wow, wow. Alenka - that necklace is so beautiful!!! I love what you did with it. So creative. I the ring around the focal looks like a floating bezel - gorgeous. The fiber is a gorgeous rich, touch. I am just blown away!!!!!!!!!!
ALSO - I love that bracelet!!! What a creative way to include those little brass beads.
Super job! I love the sunny orange polymer clay components you created for the bracelet. So happy!
Beautiful work. Love the way you used the ribbon. The necklace is awesome.
the necklace is super creative..! i learnt something new to do with seed beads.. and the bracelet is just so unique... i don't work with orange or wear orange but the bracelet looks like something i would want to wear...
Wow - the necklace is stunning! For not working with seed beads or smaller beads you created an amazing piece! I love, love, love your bracelet and how you created it!
Very pretty! Love the touch of soft ribbon in the necklace!
I love what you did! The necklace is stunning.
I so love the orange bracelet and earrings!!
The necklace is beautiful! I love the style!
What a creative necklace! I just love the flower that you made with the little beads. And the way you made polymer pieces to frame the smaller beads on the bracelet. Beautiful work!
Great necklace with so many different parts to look at and lots of movement for the eye!!
Gorgeous necklace :) Love how you used the focal framed with the little brown czech beads. The bracelet and earrings are gorgeous - love the bright orange colour :)
What nice things you have made with your bead soup, I love the orange bracelet and earrings they are so vibrant!
Marvelous work. The orange bracelet is wonderful. I don't normally like orange but your bracelet is stunning.
I love the necklace, beautiful!
I love asimmetric necklaces.
ciao dall'Italia
Beautiful necklace! I love the colors and the addition of that ribbon. I also like how that flower component is always changing. So creative!
I love how that flower on the necklace changes constantly...and the ring around the focal...never would have thought of that! Sweet!
Your necklace is beautiful and I love those colors together! Love the ribbon and your wire work!
Love the necklace you made from your soup! It is such a lovely mix of textures, and the colors are wonderful together. Annita
Great pieces - love the orange!
Beautiful job! I really like the way you made the links with the seed beads. That is brilliant! Great job.
Love the spiral and bead connectors in the necklace. What a cool idea!
Love, love, LOVE the necklace! I like the bracelet as well, but the necklace - WOW!
I love your beaded flower that moves, and the way you have done the wire on the end of the fabric. Your polymer bracelet is just so happy and sunny :)
Creative use of polymer clay in the bracelet. Really like the texture you used. Great idea to make a ring of smaller beads around the focal.
Love the necklace and all the pieces too. Beautiful work - I love the wire work you did.
wonderful job working with the seedbeads! and I love the textured rings!
I love the orange and blue (my favorite colors) and I love how you incorporated the blue ribbon. Very nice!
Orange is so in this year. I loved how you wrapped the dragonfly pendant with Czech glass. So clever.
The orange bracelet and earrings just rocked my world! I love the necklace, too, Fiber and beads together are so hot now, you are right on trend, and made it just beautiful.
Gorgeous design!
I think you did very well working out of your comfort zone. Beautiful work!
The surrounding the dragonfly pendant with the firepolished crystals is a great idea!!
I have also used eye pins for a clasp. It works very well for your bracelet!!
Great job! Love how the ring around the focal really makes it stand out. The bracelet and earrings are adorable too!
these are lovely! ~diana
You did an absolutely FABULOUS job! You never would have known you weren't in your comfort zone! I hope you come to the next party, too!
Love the connectors you made with the small orange beads--so clever!
beautiful! love the orange design.
You did a lovely job!! Both are so pretty but I think my favorite is the blue.
Great pieces! I really love the addition of the orange!
Wow! A stunning array of pretties. Love the orange!
You did a wonderful job!! Congrats on doing so well out of your comfort zone.
Oh that is fantastic! I agree with Lori, you would NEVER know you were out of your element. I love how you framed the focal. I would have never thought of that. <3
Melissa Muir
For not having worked with those types of beads before, you did a great job. I love your creative designs!
Wow, that orange is a "knock your socks off" bright colour! Love the little details in all of your pieces.
Fabulous pieces -- I especially love the top necklace. So many wonderful details. Really beautiful!
I love the orange rings you made with polymer clay, that bracelet and earrings are so happy! And I LOVE the necklace. That is my favorite shade of blue, you did a wonderful job.
A very unique necklace !Congrats!
I love that you teased us with the drawing of the bracelet then created a beautiful bracelet to match. the necklace is wonderful and the flower detail is beautiful.
Love the necklace very creative design.
Your orange polymer clay beads made a beautiful necklace and earrings.
Out of your comfort zone? I don't think so. Beautifully done.
Love your creations, the bracelet and earrings are such happy colours aren't they!
I really love all your creations, however, the orange flowers... simply amazing!
so cool!!! Love how you worked with your soup!! I especially like the orange sunny and bright...;-))
wow, they are both fantastic! i love the soothing color combo in the necklace and the orange is fab!
Outstanding! I love the fact that you used the complementary colors and think the bead "halo" around your focal was genius!
Both pieces are stunning!! I love the orange bracelet it looks modern and retro all in one. I love the use of the ribbon in the necklace!
You did an awesome job with your bead soup!! Love those orange polymer clay beads...great bracelet! Beautiful designs!
So so beautiful. What a stunning necklace. And the orange bracelet and earrings are so happy!
great designs especially the orange bracelet!
love your pieces, especially the orange bracelet. I feel like I am repeating myself but I have really like the bracelets that I have seen.
Beautiful job with the delicate beads... Love your work! Kris
Magnifico! Really gorgeous colors & textures!
Love what you've done with the dragonfly. The natural and asymmetric design is perfect.
I'm with you, that orange bracelet is totally me! You did a great job with your soup, and I really love the circle idea you used to create more interest with the focal. Great job!!
Lovely designs. I love the necklace.
Very nicely done. Love the way you put these pieces together, adding your own touches to the bead soup.
Very pretty work. I love that blue ribbon with the focal, so nice
Beautiful pieces!! I like all the neat touches you have in the necklace. There's so much to take in on it. Great job!
Hi Alenka,
I love what you did with the bead soup Amy sent to you. The necklace is gorgeous I love the crystal ring around the pendant, and the wired elements with the orange seed beads. The bracelet you made is very pretty love the orange donuts with the brass beads inside.
Your necklace has so many fun elements to it. I eally like it.
wow you got a lovely soup and you made very cool pieces, I love the ribbon on the necklace and the ring you made for the focal and also the polymer suns are great...
You did a fantastic necklace. I could not see it in the soup, but you did a great job with it! Congrats! The orange pieces sparkle and I love the bright color. Good job!
I love your design. The idea with the orange accent is a very good one. It makes the necklace even more interesting. I also love your orange in the bracelet. Very well done!
Both lovely, both very unique. Nice job with your soup!
I can't believe - 98 very nice comments and 208 visits until now!!! I never thought it would be possible!!!
Thank you very much to all of you for your comments, it means a lot to me. And a big thanks also to Lori and the Bead Soup blog Party to make it happen :-D
Wow, love the local!
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