As my pieces are still not finished, I'm not sure at all this is the final appearance ... So just come back next Saturday (August 11th) and take a look at my final results.
In the meantime you can check the creations of the 1st Reveal of July 28th - the list will be available clicking here. there are so many beautiful pieces of jewellery there ... I still haven't manage to check all the blogs, I've just reached the names that begin with K.

Hitro se bližamo 11. avgustu, ko bo prišel čas za predstavitev mojih izdelkov iz "župce", ki mo jo je poslala Amy. Seveda govorim o mojem sodelovanju v Bead Soup Blog Party-ju, ki ga gosti Lori Anderson. Da vas malo podražim, sem zgoraj objavila izsek iz moje skice - vendar pa je moje delo še v teku, tako da bo končni rezultat lahko popolnoma drugačen ;-)
Medtem pa se lahko pozabavate z ogledom kreacij drugih sodelujočih, ki so jih razkrili v prvem krogu, 28. julija. Povezavo na njihove bloge lahko najdete tukaj. Uživajte!
Fun teaser! I have started my piece too and can't wait for the reveal next week!
I'm almost finished with my first piece - a lot of wirework today ... and 1/3 way for the second piece (the one on the sketch). I'm not sure if there will be a third one.
I will probably not use all of the beads of your soup, but definitely most of them.
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