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Yesterday I was working on the Autumn necklace. I've made the polymer clay leaves long ago - last autumn I think. I've used real leaves to texture polymer clay and then red and brown acrylic paints to make them more realistic. The inspiration were the beautiful colours of Rhus cotinus (Cotinus coggygria), a bush typical for our karst area:
Včeraj sem se lotila Jesenske ogrlice, za katero sem listje iz polimerne gline izdelala že pred časom - mislim, da celo lansko jesen. Za odtis v polimerno glino sem uporabila kar pravo listje, nato sem liste pobarvala z rdečo in rjavo akrilno barvo, da jih čim bolj približam izgledu pravih. Za inspiracijo sem imela čudovite barve ruja, ki je tako značilen za naše kraško območje:
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I liked how it came, but I was not totally satisfied. That was probably the reason I still haven't finished it before. Well, yesterday an idea came to my mind and I decided to pain it over with the gold acrylic paint - just random imprinting with a sponge, not to cover the bottom colours, but to give an extra shine. And that was it!
Rezultat mi je bil všeč, vendar nisem bila povsem zadovoljna. Verjetno je zaradi tega minilo toliko časa, preden sem jo dokončala. včeraj pa se mi je porodila zanimiva ideja - z gobico sem na listje nanesla še zlato akrilno barvo - toliko, da nisem prekrila spodnjih barv, ampak dodala nekaj sijaja. In to je bilo to!
I added some shiny brown stones at both sides and antique copper chain. I think I will add also a nice clasp I don't have in my stash right now (the chain is long enough to put it on over the head now).
Na vsaki strani sem dodala svetleče rjave kamenčke in verižico "starinsko bronaste" barve. Mislim, da bom dodala tudi kakšno zanimivo zaponko, ki pa je trenutno nimam na zalogi (sedaj je verižica dovolj dolga, da se lahko obleče čez glavo).
I'm not sure if I should add some brown stones on every second larger link of the chain. What do you think?
Nisem pa se še odločila, ali naj dodan rjave kamenčke še v vsako drugo večjo rinko na verižici. Kaj menite?
I would really love to hear (read) what do you think.
Res bi bila vesela vašega mnenja.
Oh my goodness, Alenka! This necklace is simply stunning. The autumn leaves are such a simple autumn statement, yet the attention to detail on them is gorgeous, the stones are a perfect natural compliment! I adore this piece!
This is beautiful! The details on the leaves are amazing. What a gorgeous piece. I wouldn't add any more brown stones. I think the balance is perfect as it is...the brown stones help transition from the leaves to the chain. But any more might take away from the leaves. Absolutely beautiful!
I Love the finish on the leaves, I would leave it just as it is.
I think it's perfect. It totally brought a smile to my face the moment I saw it. Beautiful!
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