Hi, I have promised a giveaway for today and I'm finally at my computer now, so - here we are!!!
Živjo! Za danes sem obljubila nagradno igro in sedaj sem končno le uspela priti do računalnika - torej začnimo!!!
I decided to give away two prizes:
Odločila sem se, da podarim kar dve nagradi:
1. The first one is A PAIR OF EARRINGS made by me from polymer clay:
1. Prva nagrada je PAR UHANOV iz polimerne gline, moje izdelave:
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Uhani so veliki, vendar niso težki, ker sta rožnati krogli votli. Od zgornje do spodnje točke merijo 7 cm, premer krogel je 3 cm. Če je potrebno, lahko menjam žico za obešanje s tisto brez niklja.
2. The second prize are BEADS & PENDANT made by me from polymer clay:
2. Druga nagrada so PERLE IN OBESEK, ravno tako iz polimerne gline in moje izdelave:
These are six of my Yabba-dabba beads (diameter 2 cm/0.8 in) and a pendant with a plant theme (2,5 x 5 cm/1 x 2 in). I can drill the holes or let it like it is.
Gre za 6 Yabba-dabba perl (premera 2 cm) in obesek z rastlinsko tematiko (2,5 x 5 cm). Na željo zmagovalca lahko izrtam luknje ali pustim, kot je.
Now the RULES:
1. You have to be a follower of this blog.
2. You need to have a blog.
3. To participate in the draw you have to leave a comment under this post and state if you run for the EARRINGS, the BEADS or BOTH.
4. Make sure I will be able to get in contact with you (e-mail) IF you are the winner.
5. The winners will be chosen randomly on Wednesday, 7th November 2012 at 8 p.m. CET. The winner of the first prize can not run for the secod prize. 6. The winner has to blog about the giveaway and the prize when received it.
Sedaj pa še PRAVILA za sodelovanje:
1. Spremlajti morate moj blog.
2. Imeti morate svoj blog.
3. Za sodelovanje v žrebu morate pustiti komentar pod to objavo in navesti, ali želite sodelovati v žrebu za UHANE, PERLE ali za OBOJE.
4. Poskrbite, da vas bom lahko kontaktirala (e-mail), če boste zmagali.
5. Zmagovalca bosta naključno izžrebana v sredo, 7. novembra 2012 do 20. ure. Dobitnik prve nagrade ne more sodelovati v žrebanju za drugo nagrado.
6. Dobitnika nagrad morata po prejetju nagrade napisati objavo o tej nagradni igri oz. nagradi na svojem blogu.
Ok, that's it! Just go and leave a comment!
To je to! Zdaj pa hitro napišite komentar!
Wishing you luck!
I follow, and I blog at lilmummylikes.blogspot.com. I can't decide which I love more (both truly excellent) so I say BOTH. Alright that's it for me. Thanks for the chance to win some of your work.
Hi Alenka,
Love the earrings and the beads so put me in for the drawing of either one, thank you. Your work whether it is polymer clay or beading is fantastic.
Tvoj prvi giveaway? čestitke!
Hi Alenka! glad to be a new follower of your blog! Both of them are beautiful, but I am especially drawn to the pendant set, so I'd love a chance to win it. Thank you for such a great giveaway!
I'd love anything you wanted to share!
Wow what beautiful work, I would love anything you sent me. Email is tiff.goff@gmail.com
Hello Alenka, I love both! How nice of you to share! A gift from the heart is best!
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