Si predstavljate pesmi od Stinga, Michaela Jacksona, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, U2 in drugih v ozvedbi para vilončelov? Kdo pa še ne pozna zasedbe 2Cellos ... Včerajšnji koncert v Kopru je bil prava poslastica!!!
For a little taste of it listen to this (you can find more on their official site and YouTube), but it's much better alive in the beautiful atmosphere of the Koper main square and Pretorian Palace.
Malo se lahko posladkate s tem posnetkom (veliko več lahko najdete na njuni uradni spletni strani ali YouTube-u), čeprav je neprimerljivo s koncertom v živo in to v čudoviti atmosferi Koprskega Titovega trga in Pretorske palače.
Hmmmmmm, let's go to polymer now.
Aaaahhhh, pa se preselimo zdaj k polimerni glini.
I don't buy tutorials very often, I prefer to experiment trying to figure out the techniques and procedures by myself, but there are some tutorials I just need to have. I still consider myself a beginner in polymer clay and this is one of the ways to learn from Masters.
Tutorialov ne kupujem pogosto, ker rajši eksperimentiram in poskušam sama priti do posameznih tehnik in postopkov, vendar se včasih pojavi kakšen tutorial, ki ga enostavno moram imeti. Imam se namreč za začetnico pri delu s polimerno maso in to predstavlja eno od možnosti, da se učiš od Mojstrov.
Some time ago I've bought Helen Breil's book Shapes and lately the Cosmic Ceramic tutorial by Iris Mishly and Hila Bushari. Now I've decided to combine both and these are my first pendants. They still need to be assembled with some other parts to be finished necklaces, but I wanted to show this work in progress.
Pred časom sem tako kupila knjigo od Helen Breil Shapes,pred kratkim pa še tutorial Cosmic Ceramic, ki sta ga izdali Iris Mishly in Hila Bushari. Odločila sem se, da kombiniram obe tehniki in nastali so tile obeski, ki jih moram še sestaviti v končno obliko.
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Roughly textured edges (in person looks better) / Groba tekstura na robovih (v živo izgleda lepše) |
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Bronze patina on the inner edge / Bronasta patina na notranjem robu |
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Summer sunny colours / Poletne sončne barve |
Be happy!
Bodite srečni!
what great designs! I love the bronze patina on the inner edge ... wonderful hoop design!
Fantastic job with the shapes! Thanks so much for the wonderful mention of my book.
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