Živjo! Se še spominjate moje nagradne igre ob 1. obletnici mojega bloga? Tokrat se bo kar 13 ustvarjalk igralo z mano. Trinajstica je moja srečna številka, zato že zdaj vem, da se bomo imeli fajn!!!
Today I want to show you the ingredients of this game - the components the participants will have to cook with. In fact, each participant will receive a component (or a pair) and will have to create a piece of jewelry, an ornament or something else.
The mysterious part is that I have packed the components in envelopes, mixed them and only after that put the labels with the addresses on them. That means I have no idea who will receive what. How fun!!!
Danes vam bom pokazala sestavine te moje igrice, in sicer sestavne dele, s katerimi se bodo sodelujoče poigrale. Vsaka sodelujoča bo namreč dobila en sestavni del (ali par) in bo morala iz njega ustvariti kos nakita, okrasek ali kaj drugega.
Skrivnostni del je, da sem vse sestavne dele zapakirala, kuverte premešala in šele nato nalepila nanje naslove prejemnic. To pomeni, da niti jaz ne vem, kaj bo katera dobila. Kako zabavno!!!
Ingredients: two clasps, a pair of yabba-dabba beads, four bars, three connectors and two pendants / Sestavine: dve zaponki, par jaba-daba perl, štiri ploščice, tri vezni členi in dva obeska |
The packages will go out tomorrow. I know I'm a little late with this, but was working hard for my swap piece at the International polymer clay swaps FB group ... It was a fantasy vessel & twinchie swap and I'll show you what I've made when my partner Tina Holden receives it.
Paketke bom poslala jutri. Vem, da sem malo pozna s tem, vendar sem imela precej dela z izdelkom za mednarodno izmenjavo v FB skupini International polymer clay swaps. V polimerno glino sem morala obleči aluminijasto škatlico na fantazijsko temo in dodati plščico 5x5 cm. Kaj sem ustvarila, vam bom pokazala, ko moja partnerica Tina Holden paketek prejme.
So, the reveal date for my 1st Blogoversary giveaway & blog hop will be after a little more than a month - the August 11, 2013. Can't wait to see what everybody will create!!!
Sodelujoče bodo na svojih blogih razkrile svoje izdelke iz te moje nagradne igre čez približno mesec dni: 11. avgusta 2013. Komaj čakam, da vidim, kaj bodo ustvarile!!
Be well,
Bodite dobro,
Can't wait to see what I get in the mail.
So bright and summery, Alenka... I'll be watching for my surprise!
Hi Alenka :-) I just blogged about the component you sent me...
it's going to be fun! Thanks so much, have a nice weekend.
Love your components you sent out, especially the clasps! :) I'll have to give those a try in polymer clay. I keep seeing people make them, and I haven't tried to make one yet!
Just received my beautiful clasp, can't wait to start playing.
I've been working away with the ones you sent me a few weeks back. I'll be ready with some designs with your components!
Here's a link to my blog post!!!!!
I got my beautiful swirly connector this week! I love it to bits, thank you so much. I hope I can do it justice! I've linked back to your blog from mine:
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