December 28, 2012

Little owls ... / Mali sovici ...

... for a Christmas/New Year present.
... za drobno novoletno pozornost.

I've borrowed the idea from Cara Jane's blog. /
Idejo sem dobila na blogu od Cara Jane.

December 25, 2012

Wishing you ... / Želim vam ...

and to spend these days with the ones you love,
whatever are you celebrating!

ter da bi te dni preživeli v družbi tistih, ki jih imate najraje,
karkoli pač praznujete!

Ikebana, made by my son. / Ikebana, ki jo je izdelal moj sin.


December 14, 2012

Two days after .. & Autumn swap / Dva dni kasneje ... & Jesenski swap

  Two days after the situation is back to normal - the snow is gone almost at all. A few reminders are left on the shadowy sides of land ...
  Po dveh dneh je pri nas pogled skozi okno spet običajen. Sneg je skoraj povsem izginil, le nekaj spominčkov je ostalo na senčni strani pokrajine ...

  In October I have participated in another Slovenian (polymer clay) swap organized by Izdelovalnica malih umetnin. All the participants had to make two sets of 7 beads in autumn colours, any technique, diameter 1,5-2 cm (0.6-0.8 inches).
  Oktobra sem sodelovala v še eni slovenski izmenjavi izdelkov iz polimerne gline, ki so jo organizirala dekleta iz Ustvarjalnice malih umetnin. Vse sodelujoče smo morale narediti po dva seta 7 perl v jesenskih barvah v poljubni tehniki, obsega 1,5-2 cm.  

These are the beads I made:
To so perle, ki sem jih izdelala jaz:

 Everybody then received one bead of each set, that means 14 different beads:
 Vsaka je nato dobila po eno perlo iz vsakega seta, torej skupaj 14 različnih perl:

 and make a necklace using all of them.
 ter iz njih morala izdelati ogrlico, tako da se uporabijo vse. It was not an easy job combining such different beads in a single necklace, so I tried to pair them and put each pair on the same place at the sides and I also made some green spacers from polymer clay. This is the result:
 Glede na to, da so bile vse perle med seboj različne, to ni bila lahka naloga, zato sem jih poskušala razporediti v pare po podobnosti in perle iz para postaviti na isto mesto na vsaki strani. Za "vmesnike" sem izdelala tudi manjše zelene perle iz polimerne mase. To je moj rezultat:

 I'm not sure this is the final version, I could make some more changes as I'm not totally satisfied.   
 Po moje to ni čisto zadnja verzija in bom naredila še kakšno spremembo, ker nisem povsem zadovoljna z rezultatom.

  You can find the necklaces of the others participants here.
  Ogrlice ostalih sodelujočih si lahko ogledate tukaj.

  Be happy! / Bodite veseli!

December 9, 2012

Snow!!! / Sneg!!!

  Let me first explain that we are living one the Slovenian coast near the Adriatic sea, where the winters are mild with no snow, usually. When I was younger it snowed once in let's say 10 years, but now it's more like once in 3 years. And if you're 6 years old living here, it really doesn't happen often to see a snowy landscape through the window, but you like the snow and can't wait to play in it.
  Glede na to, da živimo na slovenski Obali, se ne znajdemo pogosto v zasneženi pokrajini, če se ne zapeljemo malo bolj v notranjost. Ko sem bila mlajša, se je sneženje zgodilo enkrat na 10 let (vsaj tako se spominjam), zdaj pa približno vsaka tri leta. In če si star 6 let in živiš na Obali, pogleda na belo pokrajino res nisi pogosto doživel, čeprav komaj čakaš, da se boš spet valjal po snegu.

  Well, my bigger little boy received the best birthday gift ever this year. On his 6th birthday he woke up and all around it was white. Snow, snow, snoooow!!! At least 20 cm (8 in) of snow!!!
  No, moj starejši fantič je letos prejel najlepše darilo za rojstni dan, ki ga ni mogoče ne naročiti ne kupiti. Na jutro 6. rojstnega dne se je zbudil in vse naokoli je bilo belo. Sneg, sneg sneeeg!!! Vsaj 20 cm snega!!!

Yesterday morning / Včerajšnje jutro

  I don't need to explain that the boys were immediately outside and enjoying this beautiful gift from the Nature! Can you see all those footprints in the snow? Guess who made them ;-)
  Ni mi treba razlagati, da sta bila oba tamala takoj zunaj in uživala v tem čudovitem darilu Matere Narave. Saj lahko vidite vse te stopinje v snegu? Uganite, čigave so ;-)

Today / Danes
   Some more glimpses ...
   Še par utrinkov ...

    I don't think we'll be so happy tomorrow early in the morning going to school/office if the snow dissolves today and the water freezes on the road during the night ... But this will be another story, let's enjoy this sunny day today!
  Nisem ravno prepričana, da bomo jutri zgodaj zjutraj na poti v šolo/službo enako veseli, če se bo danes sneg stopil in bo ponoči voda zamrznila na cestišču ... A to je že druga zgodba, zato uživajmo v današnjem sončnem dnevu!


December 2, 2012

Faux Stained Glass Earrings

  One of my favourites techniques for polymer clay is faux stained glass - my way. I made two pairs of earrings this week:
  Spet sem se zabavalo z eno mojih najljubših tehnik s polimerno glino, to je posnemanje vitraža, malo po moje. Ta teden sta tako nastala dva para uhanov:

Sunflower earrings / Sončnica

Tulip earrings / Tulipan

  Be happy!
  Bodite srečni!


November 26, 2012

Two more Autumn Necklaces / Še dve jesenski ogrlici

  The winter is around the corner, but I'm still feel the autumn in it's beauty. The weather is quite warm here and I like it this way!
  Zima je praktično za vogalom, vendar sama občutim jesen še v vsej svoji lepoti. Prav všeč mi je, da so temperature še vedno kar visoke!

  Vanilla - bronze with a little light green touch for the first necklace (polymer clay, wire, Rocailles, leather cord and linen thread):
  Vanilija - bronasta z dodatkom svetlo zelene za prvo verižico (polimerna glina, žica, Rocailles perle, usnjena vrvica in laneno blago):

  Dark green leaves and bronze owl for the second necklace (polymer clay, Swarowsky cristals, leather cord and wire). It's kind a particular, but I like it:
  Temno zeleni listje in bronasta sova za drugo ogrlico (polimerna glina, kristali Swarovsky, usnjena vrvica in žica). Je kar malo posebna, vendar meni je tako všeč:

 O would love to read your coments! 
 Zelo bom vesela vaših komentarjev!

Wishing you a marvellous day!
   Želim vam čudovit dan!


November 24, 2012

My Unicorn has Landed in his new Home

  It's been quite a while since I've participated in the Journal Cover Swap - a one to one swap in your favourite technique. My swap partner was Byrd Tetzlaff and I have witten about the journal cover I received from her here. Yes, it was almost a month ago!!!

  My package for Byrd most probably took a trip around the globe before finally landind in US as it needed THREE WHOLE WEEKS to arrive to her!!! Usually my mail to US needed 1 week exactly. This time I was really worried that it has been lost or stolen and I was already thinking about making a new one and send it to Byrd by registered mail.

  However, after three weeks I have received the good new from Byrd that the package has finally safe and sound at her place.

 Before I show you the final result let me first tell you a little bit about the process in creating it. 

  First, I had to decide on the subject of the cover. Byrd and I had a little chat about our preferences. She said she likes just anything, from canning to textures. She likes whimsy and fairy-tale stuff, textures and abstracts. Well, I've decided for a fairy tale figure with wings. A fairy seemed quite difficult, because I'd have to create a human face, so a Unicorn came to my mind as it was also a figure in Slovenian fairy tales.

  Second, I had to choose the technique. It was supposed to be a favourite one, but I still don't have one, I'm still learning. I tried with little canes, first, but didn't like the result very much. The second attempt was with thin extruded polymer "cords":

Thin slices were cut from the "cord":

and then pressed on a white sheet of polymer clay:

This is the finished Unicorn:

drawing source

The unicorn was cut out and placed on the flat cover, then the wing were cut out and added. I tried several techniques for the background, but nothing worked, so I've decided to use acrylic paints and make a "skinner blend - like" background with sunrise (or sunset) colours and visible texture:

  There was still something missing, but I didn't know what. After a short consult with Kitty the journal cover was finally finished. She told me that her painting teacheres always emphasised that a picture needs a frame - and so I' did:

  I'm so sorry for the quality of the picture, but I took it late at night under a lamp, hurrying to finish and package it, to send it the next day. At that time I didn't have the energy to create the proper conditions to make a good picture.

  So, my Unicorn has a new home, now, with Byrd in the US.

  Believe in miracles!

November 12, 2012

Art Charm Exchage Reveal

 And finally it's time for the reveal of the ART CHARM BLOG HOP, hosted by Jen Cameron of Glass Addictions. 

  The idea of the blog hop was to make some art charms to swap with other participants, more exactly the ones within your group of 10 people, and to make one extra art bead to be auctioned to benefit Beads of Courage. The theme was laughter.

 Thinking about laughter there are several things that put a smile on my face, like my kids, a good joke, a sunny day, a delicious cake ... and many more. This was the easier part of the project. The most difficult part was transforming any of these concepts in a small art object.

  From the beginning I knew I would use polymer clay, as it's the medium I'm most familiar with. And I knew I would use the colours that make me happy - red, orange, yellow, and some pearl and white for a better contrast, to make them more vibrant.

  Keeping the bunches of clay in my hands and playing with them at a certain moment associated me with a clown. That's it! Clowns make kids and adults laugh! Not wanting to make a reproduction of clown heads, I remembered the technique called "Natasha Beads" and it seemed just perfect.

  A little of abracadabra and here are my art beads - I've called them Clowny beads:   


  Let me introduce the most important fact of this blog hop, now. If you would like to become the owner of an art bead of any of the participants in this blog hop (the whole list at the bottom) and at the same time donate for the BEADS OF COURAGE, a program designed to support and strengthen children and families coping with serious illness - the auction starts today (November 12, 2012) around 3pm eastern standard time here:

  The participants from my group
(Their charms are already in my hands and I love all of them. Can't wait to read the stories behind them :-). I'll treasure them for now, but in the future they will probably find a place in a very special piece of jewellery):

Alenka Obid <-- that's me

Carol Watson

Cassi Paslick
Cheri Reed

Deb Kauzlarich

Erin Prais-Hintz

Jennifer Cameron

Kristi Bowman

Melissa Meman

Shannon Hicks

  And all the other participants
(I'm sure I'll visit all their blogs - I'm so curious what have they made):

Alicia Marinache

Babette Cox

Carolyn Chenault

Charlene Jacka

Cheryl McCloud

Denielle Hagerman

Emma Todd

Ginger Bishop

Inge vonRoos

Jean Peter

Jeannie K Dukic

Kia Dallons

Kimberly Roberts

Lea Avroch

Leslie Schenkel

Linda Florian

Lori Greenberg

Lynnea Bennett

Mallory Hoffman

Marcy Lamberson

Marsha Neal Studio

Maureen Connolly

Monique Urquhart

Natalie McKenna

Perri Jackson

Renetha Stanziano

Robin Koza

Shaiha Williams

Shelby Foxwell

Shelley Graham Turner

Shirley Moore

Stephanie Haussler

Susan Kennedy

Toltec Jewels

Vanessa Gilkes

  Happy hoping and auctioning!


November 11, 2012

Another Lucky Thursday / Še en srečni četrtek

  Lately it seems Thursday is my lucky day. Two weeks ago on Thursday I received two packages from US with two gifts, and this Thursday my mailbox was full again - with two other packages for me. :-)
  Zadnje čase izgleda, da so četrtki moji srečni dnevi. Pred dvema tednoma sem dobila ravno na četrtek dva paketka iz ZDA, ta četrtek pa me je spet čakal poln nabiralnik - z dvema drugima paketkoma zame. :-)

  The first one was my mystery gift from Sandra Young - I won it participating in her Pay it forward giveaway. Sandra told me when she sent it, but I had no clue what was in.
  Prva pošiljka je vsebovala skrivnostno darilo od Sandre Young, ki sem ga dobila s sodelovanjem v njeni nagradni igri Podari naprej. Sandra mi je sicer sporočila, kdaj je pošiljko poslala, vendar nisem vedela, kaj je skrila vanjo.

  She sent me a pretty pair of earrings and a nice greeting card with a typical scenery of Vancouver Island. Thank you Sandra! :-D
  No, poslala mi je luškan par uhanov, priložila pa voščilnico s tipično pokrajino Vankuverskega otoka. Hvala, Sandra! :-D

  The second package was from Jennifer Cameron and was containig the art charms of the Art Charm Blog Hop. Just to remind you: each participant had to make make enough charms for everyone in her group AND one extra so that a set of charms can be auctioned to benefit Beads of Courage, a total of 11 charms.
  Drugo kuverto pa mi je poslala Jennifer Cameron, v njej pa so bili umetniški obeski (art charms) iz Art Charm Blog Hop izmenjave. Toliko, da vas spomnim: vsak udeleženec je moral pripraviti obeske za vsakega iz svoje skupine PLUS enega več za avkcijo v korist projekta Beads of Courage, skupaj torej 11 obeskov.

  Well, come back Monday (November 12) on the reveal day to see the story about the charm I made and the charms I have received.   
  Pravzaprav boste kaj več o tem izvedeli šele v ponedeljek (12. novembra), ko bomo lahko objavili slike svojih obeskov in zgodbico, ki stoji za njimi; predstavila pa vam bom tudi obeske, ki sem jih dobila od udeleženk iz svoje skupine.

  Monday is also the day of the auction for the Beads of Courage. If you would like to participate you're welcome and here's the link:
  V ponedeljek bo tudi avkcija vseh obeskov v korist Beads of Courage - če želite sodelovati, ste dobrodošli, najdete pa jo na naslednjem linku:

Beads of Courage Auction Site:

November 7, 2012

And the Winners are ... / Nagrado prejmejo ...

  Hello, 8.00 pm CET just passed and it's time to draw the winners of my first little PEPITA GIVEAWAY!
  Osma zvečer je že mimo, zato je končno napočil čas za žrebanje nagrajencev v moji prvi mali NAGRADNI IGRI PEPITA! 

  Let's see who the candidates for the first prize THE EARRINGS are:
  Kandidatke za prvo nagrado - UHANE so:
1. Ginger Bishop
2. Therese's Treasures
3. Lori Anderson
4. Tiffany Smith
5. NPedersen

  And the candidates for the second prize BEADS AND PENDANT are:
  Kandidatke za drugo nagrado - PERLE IN OBESEK so:
1. Ginger Bishop 
2. Therese's Treasures
3. Shirley Moore
4. Lori Anderson
5. Tiffany Smith
6. NPedersen

  I decided to leave the True random generator the honour to choose the winners, as my little boys are already in bed.
  Ker sta moja mala fanta že v postelji, sem se odločila, da prepustim čast izbire zmagovalk kar True random generator-ju.


The winner of the EARRINGS is:
UHANE dobi:



And the winner of the BEADS & PENDANT is:


  However, I have not finished yet! Do you remember my Pay it Forward Giveaway? As the first to comment was Sandra, who I won the PIF giveaway from, there were only two winners and three offeres secret prizes.
  A to še ni konec! Se še spominjate moje nagradne igre Podari naprej (Pay it Forward Giveaway)? Glede na to, da je bila prva komentatorka Sandra, od katere sem jaz dobila nagrado, sta bili samo dve zmagovalki, ponujene nagrade pa tri.

  That's why I decided to choose another winner today - with no obligations regarding Pay it forward, but with a secret gift. I will use the list of the second prize (everybody who commented is on this list).
  Zato sem se odločila, da danes izberem še eno zmagovalko - z nikakršno obveznostjo glede igre podarjanja naprej, ki pa bo dobila skrivnostno nagrado. Za žreb bom uporabila kar seznam za drugo nagrado, ker ste na njej vse, ki ste se odločile sodelovati v nagradni igri.

And the winner of the SECRET GIFT is:



  I would really like to thank all the participants for their nice comments on my work.
I'll contact the winners in the next days by mail for your snail mail.
  Vsem sodelujočim bi se rada zahvalila za prijazne komentarje o mojih izdelkih, zmagovalke pa bom v naslednjih dneh kontaktirala po mailu za poštne naslove.

  Have a beautiful evening!
  Želim vam čudovit večer!


November 6, 2012

Work in progress / Delo v teku

  If you are looking for the PEPITA GIVEAWAY, please go here.
  Če iščete NAGRADNO IGRO PEPIRA - kliknite sem


  After an hour of Zumba and a shower I'm tired, but feeling good! I think I'm going to bed now, but I wanted to share with you what is happening on my beading table ...

  Po eni uri zumbe in tušu sem precej utrujena, vendar se počutim odlično! Mislim, da se bom kar spravila spat, sem pa hotela še prej z vami deliti trenutno dogajaje na moji delovni mizi ...

  Good night or a good day!
  Lahko noč in prijeten jutrijšnji dan!


November 4, 2012

Autumn necklace / Jesenska ogrlica

  If you are looking for the PEPITA GIVEAWAY, please go here.
  Če iščete NAGRADNO IGRO PEPIRA - kliknite sem


  Yesterday I was working on the Autumn necklace. I've made the polymer clay leaves long ago - last autumn I think. I've used real leaves to texture polymer clay and then red and brown acrylic paints to make them more realistic. The inspiration were the beautiful colours of Rhus cotinus (Cotinus coggygria), a bush typical for our karst area:

 Včeraj sem se lotila Jesenske ogrlice, za katero sem listje iz polimerne gline izdelala že pred časom - mislim, da celo lansko jesen. Za odtis v polimerno glino sem uporabila kar pravo listje, nato sem liste pobarvala z rdečo in rjavo akrilno barvo, da jih čim bolj približam izgledu pravih. Za inspiracijo sem imela čudovite barve ruja, ki je tako značilen za naše kraško območje: 

Source / Vir.

 I liked how it came, but I was not totally satisfied. That was probably the reason I still haven't finished it before. Well, yesterday an idea came to my mind and I decided to pain it over with the gold acrylic paint - just random imprinting with a sponge, not to cover the bottom colours, but to give an extra shine. And that was it!

 Rezultat mi je bil všeč, vendar nisem bila povsem zadovoljna. Verjetno je zaradi tega minilo toliko časa, preden sem jo dokončala. včeraj pa se mi je porodila zanimiva ideja - z gobico sem na listje nanesla še zlato akrilno barvo - toliko, da nisem prekrila spodnjih barv, ampak dodala nekaj sijaja. In to je bilo to!

Autumn necklace / Jesenska ogrlica
(Sorry for the poor picture - it's hard to find enoght light in this rainy day. /
Slika je bolj slabo osvetljena, saj v tem deževnem dnevu nisem uspela najti dovolj svetlobe za dobro sliko.)

 I added some shiny brown stones at both sides and antique copper chain. I think I will add also a nice clasp I don't have in my stash right now (the chain is long enough to put it on over the head now).

 Na vsaki strani sem dodala svetleče rjave kamenčke in verižico "starinsko bronaste" barve. Mislim, da bom dodala tudi kakšno zanimivo zaponko, ki pa je trenutno nimam na zalogi (sedaj je verižica dovolj dolga, da se lahko obleče čez glavo).

  I'm not sure if I should add some brown stones on every second larger link of the chain. What do you think?

 Nisem pa se še odločila, ali naj dodan rjave kamenčke še v vsako drugo večjo rinko na verižici. Kaj menite?

  I would really love to hear (read) what do you think.
  Res bi bila vesela vašega mnenja.


November 1, 2012

Pepita Giveaway / Nagradna igra Pepita

  Hi, I have promised a giveaway for today and I'm finally at my computer now, so - here we are!!!
  Živjo! Za danes sem obljubila nagradno igro  in sedaj sem končno le uspela priti do računalnika - torej začnimo!!!

  I decided to give away two prizes:
  Odločila sem se, da podarim kar dve nagradi:

1. The first one is A PAIR OF EARRINGS made by me from polymer clay:
 1. Prva nagrada je PAR UHANOV iz polimerne gline, moje izdelave:

 The earrings are big and bold, but not heavy as the flower-balls are hollow. From top to bottom they measure 7 cm/2.8 in, the diameter of the flower balls is 3 cm/1.2 in. If necessary I can put nickel free earwires.
Uhani so veliki, vendar niso težki, ker sta rožnati krogli votli. Od zgornje do spodnje točke merijo 7 cm, premer krogel je 3 cm. Če je potrebno, lahko menjam žico za obešanje s tisto brez niklja.

2. The second prize are BEADS & PENDANT made by me from polymer clay:
2. Druga nagrada so PERLE IN OBESEK, ravno tako iz polimerne gline in moje izdelave:

These are six of my Yabba-dabba beads (diameter 2 cm/0.8 in) and a pendant with a plant theme (2,5 x 5 cm/1 x 2 in). I can drill the holes or let it like it is.
Gre za 6 Yabba-dabba perl (premera 2 cm) in obesek z rastlinsko tematiko (2,5 x 5 cm). Na željo zmagovalca lahko izrtam luknje ali pustim, kot je.

Now the RULES:
1. You have to be a follower of this blog.
2. You need to have a blog.
3. To participate in the draw you have to leave a comment under this post and state if you run for the EARRINGS, the BEADS or BOTH.
4. Make sure I will be able to get in contact with you (e-mail) IF you are the winner.
5. The winners will be chosen randomly on Wednesday, 7th November 2012 at 8 p.m. CET. The winner of the first prize can not run for the secod prize.
  6. The winner has to blog about the giveaway and the prize when received it.

Sedaj pa še PRAVILA za sodelovanje:
1. Spremlajti morate moj blog.
2. Imeti morate svoj blog.
3. Za sodelovanje v žrebu morate pustiti komentar pod to objavo in navesti, ali želite sodelovati v žrebu za UHANE, PERLE ali za OBOJE.
4. Poskrbite, da vas bom lahko kontaktirala (e-mail), če boste zmagali.
5. Zmagovalca bosta naključno izžrebana v sredo, 7. novembra 2012 do 20. ure. Dobitnik prve nagrade ne more sodelovati v žrebanju za drugo nagrado.
6. Dobitnika nagrad morata po prejetju nagrade napisati objavo o tej nagradni igri oz. nagradi na svojem blogu.

Ok, that's it! Just go and leave a comment!
To je to! Zdaj pa hitro napišite komentar!

Wishing you luck!


October 31, 2012

Gift receiving Thursday / Obdarovani četrtek

  Last Thursday was a gift-receiving day for me, even if it wasn't my birthday. Coming home from work I've opended the mail-box and there were two envelopes from United States waiting for me!!! Can you imagine - two in the same day. I'm not getting packages from US very often, so this was a great surprise (even if I was expecting both of them)!
  Prejšnji četrtek je bil dan za prejemanje daril zame, čeprav ni bil moj rojstni dan. Ko sem se vrnila iz službe, sem v poštnem nabiralniku našla dve kuverti iz ZDA. Dve kuverti na isti dan!! Glede na to, da ne prejemam ravno pogosto pošte iz Amerike, je bilo to veliko presenečenje (čeprav sem obe pričakovala).

  The first one was a yellow envelope with a nice handwritting from Lori Anderson - and I knew exactly what was inside: do you remember, some time ago I won a giveaway as part of her Bead Soup Book Tour. And this was the content of the envelope:
  Prva pošiljka je bila rumena kuverta z lepo pisavo od Lori Anderson, za katero sem točno vedela, kaj vsebuje. Se spomnite - pred nekaj tedni sem bila srečna dobitnica nagradne igre na Lorinem blogu v okviru njene Bead Soup Book turneje. To pa je bila vsebina kuverte:

different threads I will certainly use for jewelry making. Lori, thank you very much!
 različni trakovi, ki jih bom, seveda, uporabila pri izdelavi nakita. Lori, najlepša hvala!

  The second envelope was from my journal cover swap partner Byrd Tetzlaff - I've blogged about her here. And the content of this package was a total enigma for me - well, not really, I knew it was a journal cover ... but had no clue about how it looks.
  Drugo pošiljko je poslala moja partnerica v izmenjavi naslovnic dnevnika Byrd Tetzlaff, o kateri sem že napisala par besed tukaj. Vsebina te pošiljke pa je bila velika uganka zame - no, ne ravno neznanka, ker sem vedela, da vsebuje naslovnico dnevnika ... vendar pa nisem imela pojma, kakšno.

  My heart almost stopped when I saw the package was weirdly flattened and there was a label "item from abroad arrived damaged" on it. I was so afraid to open it and find a broken cover ... As the curiosity was stronger than fear I opened it immediately and a sigh of relief was the next thing everybody heard.
  Kar zmanjkalo mi je sape, ko sem opazila, da je škatla čudno sploščena in da je na njej nalepka z napisom "pošiljka iz tujine je prispela: v poškodovanem stanju". Kar strah me je bilo, da bom notri našla polompleno ploščico ... Vendar pa je bila moja radovednost veliko večja od strahu in naslednji glas, ki ga je bilo slišati, je bil vzdih olajšanja.

  This is the journal cover Byrd made for me. I like all the bright colours and and the mandala like pattern very much. Thank you, Byrd!
  To je torej naslovnica za (umetniški) dnevnik, ki ga je Byrd izdelala zame. Zelo so mi všeč svetle, živahne barve in vzorec, podoben mandali. Najlepša hvala, Byrd!

  I've sent my cover for Byrd the same day as she did, but she still hasn't received it :-(  I'm getting a little worried about this delay ... hope it will arrive safe to her. Of course, I can not show it yet .... you will have to come back again.
  Naslovnico, ki sem jo izdelala za Byrd sem poslala isti dan kot ona, vendar še vedno ni prispela do nje :-(  Počasi me že skrbi, da se je pošijlka kje izgubila ... res upam, da bo kmalu prispela na cilj. Ravno zaradi tega pa vam je še ne morem pokazati, zato se boste morali vrniti še kdaj na moj blog.

  By the way, tomorrow I'll be hosting a giveaway on this blog, so you're welcome to join me.
  Mimogrede, jutri bom objavila nagradno igro na tem blogu in vas vse vabim, da se mi pri tem pridružite.

  Be happy,
  Bodite srečni!